
Chapter 1 Verses

Bhagavad Gita / Chapter 1 Verses

Chapter 1 Verses

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 1

(Dhritrashtr uvaach)

Dharmkshetre, Kurukshetre, samvetaH, yuyutsavH,
MamkaH, PandavaH, ch, ev, kim’, akurvat, Sanjay ||1||

(Dhritrashtr said)

Translation: (Sanjay) O Sanjay! (Dharmkshetre) field of law/morality (kurukshetre) in Kurukshetr (samvetaH) assembled (yuyutsavH) with the desire of battle (mamkaH) my (ch) and (ev) here (pandavaH) Pandu’s sons (kim’) what (akurvat) did? (1)

Translation: O Sanjay! In the field of law, Kurukshetr, assembled with the desire to fight, what did my and here pandu’s sons did?

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 2

(Sanjay uvaach)

Drshta, tu, Pandavaanikam’, vyudam’, DuryodhanH, tadaa,
Aachaaryam’, upsangmya, raja, vachnam’, abrveet’ ||2||

(Sanjay said)

Translation: (Tadaa) at that time (raja) King (DuryodhanH) Duryodhan had (vyudam’) array of (Pandavaanikam’) army of Pandavas (drshta) on seeing (tu) and (aachaaryam’) Dronacharya (upsangmya) after approaching; these (vachnam’) words (abraveet’) spoke. (2)

Translation: At that time, King Duryodhan, on seeing the array of army of the Pandavas, and after approaching Dronacharya, spoke these words.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 3

Pashya, etaam’, Panduputraanaam’, aachaarya, mahteem’, chamoom’,
Vyudaam’, Drupadputren, tav, shishyen, dheemta ||3||

Translation: (Aachaarya) O Teacher! (tav) your (dheemta) wise (shishyen) disciple (Drupadputren) by Drupad’s son, Dhrishtdhyumn (vyudaam’) arrayed (Panduputraanaam’) of Pandu’s sons (etaam’) this (mahteem’) huge (chamoom’) army (pashya) behold. (3)

Translation: O Teacher! Behold this huge army of Pandu’s sons arrayed by your wise disciple Drupad’s son Dhrishtdhyumn.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 4-5-6

Atr, shooraH, maheshvasaH, BheemarjunsamaaH, yudhi,
YuyudhaanH, viraatH, ch, DrupadH, ch, maharathH ||4||

DhrshtketuH, chekitaanH, kaashirajH, ch, veeryavaan’
Purujit’, kuntibhojH, ch, shaibyaH, ch, narpungavH ||5||

YudhamanyuH, ch, vikrantH, uttamaujaH, ch, veeryavaan’
SaubhadrH, DraupdeyaH, ch, sarve, ev, maharathaH ||6||

Translation: (Atr) in this army (maheshvasaH) mighty archers (ch) and (yudhi) in the fight (BheemarjunsamaaH) equivalent to Bheem and Arjun (shooraH) heroes (yuyudhaanH) Satyaki (ch) and (viraatH) Viraat (ch) and (maharathH) great warrior (DrupadH) King Drupad {4} (DhrshtketuH) Dhrishtketu (ch) and (ChekitaanH) Chekitan (ch) and (veeryavaan’) powerful (kaashirajH) Kashiraj (purujit’) Purujit (KuntibhojH) Kuntibhoj (ch) and (narpungavaH) the best among men (shaibyaH) Shaibya {5} (vikrantH) mighty (yudhamanyuH) Yudhamanyu (ch) and (veeryavaan’) powerful (uttamaujaH) Uttamauja (SaubhadraH) Subhadra’s son Abhimanyu (ch) and (DraupadeyaH) these five sons of Draupadi (sarve, ev) all (maharathaH) are great chariot-warriors. {6}

Translation: In this army, mighty archers and equivalent to Bheem and Arjun in fight – heroes Satyaki and Viraat, and great chariot-warriors – King Drupad, Dhrishtketu and Chekitan and powerful Kashiraj Purujit, Kuntibhoj and best among men – Shaibya, mighty Yudhamanyu and powerful Uttamauja, Subhadra’s son, Abhimanyu and Draupadi’s five sons, - all these great chariot-warriors are there.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 7

Asmaakam’, tu, vishishtaH, ye, taan’, nibodh, dwijottam,
NaaykaaH, mm, sainyasya, sangyaartham’, taan’, brveemi, te ||7||

Translation: (Dwijottam) O greatest Brahman! (asmaakam’) on our side (tu) also (ye) who (vishishtaH) chief (taan’) them (nibodh) know (te) your (sangyaartham’) for information (mm) my (sainyasya) those of army (naayakaaH) are commanders (taan’) them (brveemi) will tell. (7)

Translation: O greatest Brahman! Know those who are chief on our side. For your information I will tell you about those who are the commanders of my army.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 8

Bhvaan’, BheeshmH, ch, KarnH, ch, KrpH, ch, samitinjayH,
Ashwatthama, VikarnH, ch, SaumdatiH, tatha, ev, ch ||8||

Translation: (Bhvaan’) yourself, Dronacharya (ch) and (BheeshmH) grandfather Bheeshm (ch) and (KarnH) Karn (ch) and (samitinjayH) victor in battle (KrpH) Kripacharya (ch) and (tatha) same (ev) as (Ashwatthama) Ashwatthama (VikarnH) Vikarn (ch) and (SaumdatiH) Saumdat’s son Bhoorishrwa. (8)

Translation: Yourself (Dronacharya) and grandfather Bheeshm, and Karn and victor in battle Kripacharya, and similarly, Ashwatthama, Vikarn, and Saumdat’s son, Bhoorishrwa.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 9

Anye, ch, bahavH, shooraH, madarthe, tyaktjeevitaH,
NanashastrprharnaH, sarve, yuddhvishaardaH ||9||

Translation: (Anye) others (ch) also (madarthe) for my sake (tyaktjeevitaH) ready to give up lives (bahavH) many (shooraH) heroes (nanashastrprharnaH) equipped with many kinds of weapons and (sarve) all of them (yuddhvishaardaH) skilled in the strategy of warfare. (9)

Translation: There are also many other heroes, who are ready to give up their lives for my sake; they are equipped with many kinds of weapons and all of them are skilled in the strategy of warfare.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 10

Aparyaaptam’, tat’, asmaakam’, balam’, Bheeshmaabhirakshitam’,
Paryaaptam’, tu, idam’, eteshaam’, balam’, Bheemaabhirakshitam’ ||10||

Translation: (Bheeshmaabhirakshitam’) guarded by Bheeshma Pitamah (asmaakam’) our (tat’) that (balam’) army (aparyaaptam’) is invincible in every manner (tu) and (Bheemaabhirakshitam’) guarded by Bheem (eteshaam’) these people’s (idam’) this (balam’) army (paryaaptam’) is easily conquerable. (10)

Translation: That army of ours guarded by Bheeshm pitamah is invincible in every manner, and this army of these people guarded by Bheem is easily conquerable.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 11

Ayaneshu, ch, sarveshu, yathaabhaagam’, avasthitaH,
Bheeshmm’, ev, abhirakshantu, bhavantH, sarve, ev, hi ||11||

Translation: (Ch) therefore (sarveshu) all (ayaneshu) battlefronts (yathaabhaagam’) respective positions (avasthitaH) stationed (bhavantH) you (sarve, ev) all (hi) must (Bheeshmm’) Bheeshm Pitamah (ev) in particular (abhirakshantu) guard from all directions. (11)

Translation: Therefore, by being stationed in your respective positions on all battlefronts, all of you must guard Bheeshm Pitamah in particular, from all directions.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 12

Tasya, sanjanayan’, harsham’, KuruvrddhH, pitaamahH,
Sinhnaadam’, vinadhya, uchchaiH, shankham’, dadhmau, prtaapvaan’ ||12||

Translation: (KuruvrddhH) oldest among Kauravas (prtaapvaan’) highly valiant (pitaamaH) Pitamah Bheeshm (tasya) in that Duryodhan’s heart (harsham’) joy (sanjanayan’) giving rise to (uchchaiH) very loudly (sinhnaadam’) like the roar of a lion (vinadhya) roaring (shankham’) conch shell (dadhmau) blew. (12)

Translation: The oldest among Kauravs, highly valiant Bheeshm Pitamah very loudly blew a conchshell, making a sound like the roar of a lion giving rise to joy in Duryodhan’s heart.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 13

TatH, shankhaH, ch, bheryaH, ch, panvaanakgomukhaH,
Sahsa, ev, abhyahanyant, saH, shabdH, tumulH, abhavat’ ||13||

Translation: (TatH) after that (shankhaH) conchshells (ch) and (bheryaH) kettle drums (ch) and (panvaanakgomukhaH) tabors, drums and horns etc instruments (sahsa) all together (ev) at once (abhyahanyant) blared forth; their (saH) that (shabdH) sound (tumulH) tumultuous (abhavat’) became. (13)

Translation: After that, conchshells and kettledrums and tabors, drums, and horns etc instruments all blared forth at once. Their that sound became tumultuous.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 14

TatH, shwetaiH, hyaiH, yukte, mahti, syandane, sthitau,
MadhavH, PandavH, ch, ev, divyau, shankau, prddhmatuH ||14||

Translation: (TatH) thereafter (shwetaiH) white (hyaiH) with horses (yukte) equipped (mahti) great (syandane) in chariot (sthitau) seated (madhavH) Shri Krishna Maharaj (ch) and (PandavH) Arjun (ev) also (divyau) celestial (shankau) conchshell (prddhmatuH) blew. (14)

Translation: Thereafter, seated in a great chariot equipped with white horses, Shri Krishna Maharaj and also Arjun blew celestial conchshells.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 15

Paanchjanyam’, hrishikeshH, devduttam’, dhananjayH,
Paundrm’, dadhmau, mahashankham’, Bheemkarma, vrkodarH ||15||

Translation: (HrishikeshH) Shri Krishna Maharaj (Paanchjanyam’) Panchjanya named (DhananjayH) Arjun (devduttam’) Devdutt named and (Bheemkarma) doer of horrifying deeds (VrkodarH) Bheemsen (Paundrm’) Paundr named (mahashankham’) great conchshell (dadhmau) blew. (15)

Translation: Shri Krishna Maharaj blew a conchshell named Panchjanya; Arjun blew a conchshell named Devdutt, and the doer of horrifying deeds, Bheemsen blew a great conchshell named Paundr.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 16

Anantvijayam’, raja, KuntiputrH, YudhishthirH,
NakulH, SahdevH, ch, sughoshmanipushpakau ||16||

Translation: (KuntiputrH) Kunti’s son (raja) King (YudhishthirH) Yudhishthir (Anantvijayam’) Anantvijay named, and (NakulH) Nakul (ch) and (SahdevH) Sahdev (sughoshmanipushpakau) blew Sughosh and Manipushpak named conchshells. (16)

Translation: Kunti’s son, King Yudhishthir blew a conchshell named Anantvijay, and Nakul and Sahdev blew conchshells named Sughosh and Manipushpak.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 17-18

KaashyaH, ch, parmeshvaasH, Shikhandi, ch, maharathH,
DhrshtdhyumnH, viraatH, ch, saatyakiH, ch, apraajitH ||17||

DrupadH, DraupadeyaH, ch, sarvashH, prthiveepate,
SaubhadrH, ch, mahabaahuH, shankhaan’, dadhmuH, prthak’, prthak’ ||18||

Translation: (ParmeshvaasH) great archer (KaashyH) Kashiraj/ King of Kashi (ch) and (maharathH) great chariot-warrior (Shikhandi) Shikhandi (ch) and (DhrshtdhyumnH) Dhrishtdhyumn (ch) and (viraatH) King Viraat (ch) and (apraajitH) invincible (SaatyakiH) Satyaki (DrupadH) King Drupad (ch) and (DraupadeyaH) Draupadi’s five sons (ch) and (mahabaahuH) mighty-armed (SaubhadrH) Subhadra’s son Abhimanyu, all these (prthiveepate) O King! (sarvashH) from all directions (prthak’ - prthak’ ) separate-separate (shankhaan’) conchshells (dadhmuH) blew. (17- 18)

Translation: The great archer, Kashiraj, and the great chariot–warrior, Shikhandi and Dhrishtdhyumn and King Viraat, and the invincible Satyaki, King Drupad, and Draupadi’s five sons and mighty-armed Subhadra’s son Abhimanyu, all of these, O King, blew their separate-separate conchshells from all directions.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 19

SaH, ghoshH, Dhartrashtranam’, hridyaani, vydaarayat’,
NabhH, ch, prthiveem’, ch, ev, tumulH, vynunaadayan’ ||19||

Translation: (Ch) and (saH) that (tumulH) tumultuous (ghoshH) sound (nabhH) sky (ch) and (prthiveem’) Earth (ev) also (vynunaadayan’) resounding (Dhartrashtranaam’) Dhritrashtr’s i.e. of your side (hridyani) heart (vydaarayat’) pierced. (19)

Translation: And that tumultuous sound, resounding in sky as well as Earth, pierced hearts of Dhritrashtr’s i.e. of those on your side.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 20-21

Ath, vyavasthitaan’, drshtva, Dhartrashtran’, kapidhvajH,
Prvrtte, shastrsampaate, dhanuH, udhyamya, PandavH ||20||

Hrishikesham’, tadaa, vaakyam’, idam’, aah, maheepate,
SenyoH, ubhyoH, madhye, ratham’, sthaapay, me, achyut ||21||

Translation: (Maheepate) O King! (ath) after this (kapidhvajH) Kapidhvaj (PandavH) Arjun (vyavasthitaan’) standing arrayed on battle fronts (Dhartrashtran’) Dhritrashtr’s relatives (drshtva) seeing (tadaa) that (shastrsampaate) shooting of weapons (prvrtte) time (dhanuH) bow (udhyamya) lifting (hrishikesham’) Hrishikesh Shri Krishna Maharaj (idam’) this (vaakyam’) statement (aah) said (achyut) Oh Achyut! (me) my (ratham’) chariot (ubhyoH) both (senyoH) armies’ (madhye) in the middle (sthaapay) stand/park. (20-21)

Translation: O King! After this, Kapidhvaj Arjun, seeing Dhritrashtr’s relatives, standing arrayed on battle fronts, at the time of shooting of weapons, lifting bow, said this statement to Hrishikesh Shri Krishna Maharaj – O Achyut! Park my chariot in the middle of the two armies.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 22

(Arjun uvaach)

Yaavat’, etaan’, nireekshe, aham’, yoddhukaamaan’, avasthitaan’,
KaeH, mya, sah, yoddhvyam’, asmin’, ransamudhyame ||22||

(Arjun said)

Translation: (Yaavat’) until (aham’) I (avasthitaan’) standing in the battlefield (yoddhukaamaan’) desirous of war (etaan’) these warriors of opposition (nireekshe) adequately see (asmin’) this (ransamudhyame) in this battle-like trade (mya) I (kaeH) whom (sah) with (yoddhvyam’) worthy to fight. (22)

Translation: Until I can adequately see these warriors of opposition standing in the battlefield, desirous of war that in this battle-like trade, with whom should I fight.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 23

Yotsyamaanaan’, avekshe, aham’, ye, ete, atr, smaagtaaH,
Dhartrashtrasya, durbuddheH, yuddhe, priyachikeershavH ||23||

Translation: (DurbuddheH) evil-minded (Dhartrashtrasya) Dhritrashtr’s Duryodhan’s (yuddhe) in the battle (priyachikeershavH) well wishers (ye) who (ete) these kings (atr) in this army (smaagtaaH) have come (yotsyamaanaan’) these who fight/fighter (aham’) I (avekshe) will see. (23)

Translation: These kings, who have come in this army, who are well-wishers of Dhritrashtr’s evil-minded son Duryodhan, I shall see these fighters.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 24-25

(Sanjay uvaach)

Evam’, uktH, hrsheekeshH, gudaakeshen, bharat,
SenyoH, ubhyoH, madhye, sthaapayitva, sthottmm’ ||24||

BheeshmdronpramukhatH, sarveshaam’, ch, maheekshitaam’
Uvaach, Paarth, pashya, etaan’, samvetaan’, Kurun’, iti ||25||

(Sanjay said)

Translation: (Bharat) O Dhritrashtr! (Gudaakeshen) by Arjun (evam’) thus (uktH) said (hrsheekeshH) Maharaj Shri Krishnachandra (ubhyoH) both (senyoH) armies (madhye) in the middle (bheeshmdronpramukhatH) in front of Bheeshm and Dronacharya (ch) and (sarveshaam’) all (maheekshitaam’) in front of the kings (rathottmm’) magnificent chariot (sthaapayitva) placing (iti) thus (uvaach) said that (Paarth) O Paarth! for the fight (samvetaan’) assembled (etaan’) these (Kurun’) Kauravs (pashya) behold. (24-25)

Translation: O Dhritrashtr! Thus addressed by Arjun, Maharaj Shri Krishnachandra having placed the magnificent chariot in the middle of the two armies in front of Bheeshm and Dronacharya and in front of all the kings, thus said that O Paarth! Behold these Kauravs assembled to fight.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 26-27

Tatr, apashyat’, sthitaan’, PaarthH, Pitrn’, ath, pitaamahaan’,
Aachaaryaan’, maatulaan’, bhraatrn’, putraan’, pautraan’, sakheen’, Tatha ||26||

Shvashuraan’, suhridH, ch, ev, senyoH, ubhyoH, api,
Taan’, samikshya, saH, kaunteyH, sarvaan’, bandhoon’, avasthitaan’||27||

Translation: (Ath) after this (PaarthH) son of Pritha, Arjun (tatr) those (ubhyoH) both (ev) of (senyoH) in the armies (sthitaan’) stationed (pitrn’) paternal uncles (pitaamahaan’) grandfathers–great grandfathers (aachaaryaan’) teachers (maatulaan’) maternal uncles (bhraatrn’) brothers (putraan’) sons (pautraan’) grandsons (tatha) and (sakheen’) friends (shvashuran’) father-in-laws (ch) and (suhridH) well-wishers (api) also (apashyat’) behold. (Taan’) those (avasthitaan’) present (sarvaan’) all (bandhoon’) relatives (samikshya) seeing (saH) they (KaunteyH) Kunti’s son Arjun. (26-27)

Translation: After this son of Prtha, Arjun, beheld paternal uncles, grandfathers–great grand fathers, teachers, maternal uncles, brothers, sons, grandsons and friends, father-in-laws and also well-wishers, stationed in both of those armies. On seeing all those relatives present there, that Kunti’s son Arjun.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 28

(Arjun uvaach)

Krpya, parya, aavishtH, visheedan’, idam’, abrveet’,
Drshtva, imm’, swajanam’, Krishna, yuyutsum’, samupsthitam’||28||

(Arjun said)

Translation: (Parya) great (krpya) compassion (aavishtH) filled with (visheedan’) while grieving (idam’) these words (abrveet’) spoke (Krishna) O Krishna! In the battlefield (samupasthitam’) positioned (yuyutsum’) desirous of war (imm’) this (swajanam’) kinfolk (drshtva) seeing. (28)

Translation: Filled with great compassion, while grieving spoke these words, “O Krishna! Seeing these kinfolk positioned in the battlefield, desirous of war.”

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 29

Seedanti, mm, gaatraani, mukham’, ch, parishushyati,
VepathuH, ch, shareere, me, romharshH, ch, jaayte ||29||

Translation: (Mm’) my (gaatraani) limbs (seedanti) are becoming feeble (ch) and (mukham’) mouth (parishushyati) is drying up (ch) and (me) my (shareere) in body (vepathuH) quiver (ch) and (romharshH) hair stand on end (jaayte) is happening. (29)

Translation: My limbs are becoming feeble and mouth is drying up and my body is quivering and hair are standing on end.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 30

Gaandeevam’, stranste, hastaat’, tvak’, ch, ev, paridahyate,
Na, ch, shaknomi, avasthaatum’, bhramti, iv, ch, me, man: ||30||

Translation: (Hastaat’) from hand (gaandeevam’) Gandeev bow (stranste) is slipping (ch) and (tvak’) skin (ev) also (paridahyate) is burning a lot (ch) and (me) my (manH) mind (bhramti, iv) seems to reel; therefore, I (avasthaatum’) to stand (ch) even (na, shaknomi) not able to. (30)

Translation: Gandeev bow is slipping from my hand, and skin is also burning a lot, and my mind seems to reel. Therefore, I am not even able to stand.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 31

Nimittaani, ch, pashyaami, vipreetaani, keshav,
Na, ch, shreyH, anupashyaami, hatva, swajanam’, aahve ||31||

Translation: (Keshav) O Keshav! I (nimittaani) preindications (ch) also (vipreetaani) inverse only (pashyaami) seeing and (aahve) in the battle (swajanam’) kinfolk (hatva) killing (shreyH) welfare (ch) also (na) not (anupashyaami) see. (31)

Translation: O Keshav! The preindications also seem to be inverse only to me and also do not perceive welfare by killing kinfolk in the battle.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 32

Na, kankshe, vijayam’, Krishna, na, ch, raajyam’, sukhaani, ch,
Kim’, naH, raajyen, govind, kim’, bhogaeH, jeeviten, va || 32||

Translation: (Krishna) O Krishna! I (na) neither (vijayam’) victory (kankshe) desire (ch) and (na) nor (raajyam’) kingdom (ch) and (sukhaani) nor pleasures (Govind) O Govind! (naH) us, such (raajyen) with kingdom (kim’) what is the use (va) and such (bhogaeH) from luxuries and (jeeviten) also from life (kim’) what is the benefit? (32)

Translation: O Krishna! Neither do I desire for victory, and nor kingdom, and nor pleasures. O Govind! What is the use of such kingdom to us, and what is the benefit from such luxuries and even from life itself?

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 33

Yeshaam’, arthe, kaankshitam’, naH, raajyam’, bhogaH, sukhaani, ch,
Te, ime, avasthitaH, yuddhe, praanaan’, tyaktva, dhanaani, ch ||33||

Translation: (NaH) we (yeshaam’) whose (arthe) for sake (raajyam’) kingdom (bhogaH) worldly enjoyments (ch) and (sukhaani) pleasures etc (kaankshitam’) are desired for (te) they only (ime) all these (dhanaani) wealth (ch) and (praanaan’) desire for life (tyaktva) giving up (yuddhe) in the battle (avasthitaH) are standing. (33)

Translation: For whose sake, we desire for kingdom, worldly enjoyments, and pleasures etc, they only are standing in the battle, giving up the desire for wealth and life.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 34

AachaaryaH, pitarH, putraH, tatha, ev, ch, pitaamahaH,
MaatulaH, shwashuraH, pautraH, shyaalaH, sambandhinH, tatha ||34||

Translation: (AachaaryaH) teachers (pitarH) paternal uncles (putraH) sons (ch) and (tatha, ev) likewise (pitaamahaH) grandfathers (maatulaH) maternal uncles (shwashuraH) father-in-laws (pautraH) grandsons (shyaalaH) brother-in-laws (tatha) and many other (sambandhinH) relatives. (34)

Translation: Teachers, paternal uncles, sons, and similarly, grandfathers, maternal uncles, father-in-laws, grandsons, brother-in-laws, and many other relatives are there.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 35

Etaan’, na, hantum’, ichchhaami, ghnatH, api, madhusudan,
Api, traelokyaraajyasya, hetoH, kim’, nu, maheekrte ||35||

Translation: (Madhusudan) O Madhusudan! Me (ghnatH) on killing (api) also and (traelokyrajyasya) kingdom of three loks (hetoH) for (api) also, I (etaan’) all of these (hantum’) to kill (na) not (ichchhaami) want, then (maheekrte) for the Earth (nu, kim’) what to say? (35)

Translation: O Madhusudan! I do not want to kill all of these even if they kill me or even for the kingdom of the three (loks) worlds, then not to mention for the Earth.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 36

Nihatya, Dhartrashtraan’, naH, ka, preetiH, syaat’, janaardan,
Paapam’, ev, aashryet’, asmaan’, hatva, etaan’, aatataayinH ||36||

Translation: (Janardan) O Janardan! (Dhartrashtraan’) Dhritrashtr’s sons (nihatya) on killing (naH) us (ka) what (preetiH) happiness (syaat’) will be (Etaan) these (aatataayinH) desperedoes (hatva) on killing (asmaan’) us (paapam’) sin (ev) only (aashryet’) will accrue. (36)

Translation: O Janardan! What happiness will we get by killing Dhritrashtr’s sons? We will only accrue sin by killing these desperedoes.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 37

Tasmaat’, na, arhaH, vayam’, hantum’, Dhartrashtraan’, swabaandhwaan’,
Swajanam’, hi, katham’, hatva, sukhinH, syaam, Maadhav ||37||

Translation: (Tasmaat’) therefore (Maadhav) O Madhav! (swabaandhwaan’) our own relative (Dhartrashtraan’) Dhritrashtr’s sons (hantum’) to kill (vayam’) we (na, arhaH) are not capable (hi) because (swajanam’) our own family (hatva) on killing, we (katham’) how (sukhinH) happy (syaam) will be? (37)

Translation: Therefore O Madhav! We are not capable of killing our own relative, Dhritrashtr’s sons because how will we be happy by killing our own family?

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 38-39

Yadhyapi, ete, na, pashyanti, lobhopahatchetasH,
Kulakshyakrtam’, dosham’, mitrdrohe, ch, paatkam’ ||38||

Katham’, na, gyeyam’, asmaabhiH, paapaat’, asmaat’, nivartitum’,
Kulakshyakrtam’, dosham’, prpashyabhdiH, janaardan ||39||

Translation: (Yadhyapi) although (lobhopahatchetasH) blinded by greed (ete) these people (kulakshyakritam’) originating from the destruction of family (dosham’) fault/sin (ch) and (mitrdrohe) in hostility towards friends (paatkam’) sin (na) not (pashyanti) see, then also (janaardan) O Janardan! (Kulakshyakrtam’) originating from destruction of family (dosham’) fault/sin (prpashyabhdiH) knower (asmaabhiH) we people (asmaat’) this (paapaat’) from sin (nivartitum’) to turn away (katham’) why (na) not (gyeyam’) must think?

Translation: Although, blinded by greed, these people do not see the fault/sin arising from the destruction of family and the sin from being hostile towards friends, even then O Janardan! Why should not we, knowers of the guilt arising from the destruction of family, think of turning away from this sin?

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 40

Kulakshye, pranashyanti, kuldharmaH, sanatanaH,
Dharme, nashte, kulam’, krtsnnam’, adharmH, abhibhavti, ut ||40||

Translation: (Kulakshye) with the destruction of family (sanaatanaH) ancient /immemorial (kuldharmaH) laws of family (pranashyanti) are destroyed (dharme) of laws (nashte) on being destroyed (krtsnnam’) entire (kulam’) in the family (adharmH) sin (ut) also (abhibhavti) spreads a lot. (40)

Translation: With the destruction of family the ancient laws of the familiy are destroyed and with the destruction of the laws, sin also spreads a lot in the entire family.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 41

Adharmaabhibhavaat’, Krishna, prdushyanti, kulstriyaH,
Streeshu, dushtaasu, vaarshney, jaayate, varnasankarH ||41||

Translation: (Krishna) O Krishna! (adharmaabhibhavaat’) with the upsurge of sin (kulstriyaH) women of the family (prdushyanti) become extremely corrupt and (vaarshney) O Varshney! (streeshu) women’s (dushtaasu) when become corrupt (varnasankarH) offspring of mixed castes (jaayate) are born. (41)

Translation: O Krishna! With the upsurge of sin, the women of the family become extremely corrupt and O Vashrney! When the women become corrupt, offsprings of mixed castes are born.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 42

SankarH, narkaay, ev, kulaghnaanaam’, kulasya, ch,
Patanti, pitarH, hi, eshaam’, luptpindodakkriyaH ||42||

Translation: (SankarH) mixture of castes (kulaghnaanaam’) destroyer of family (ch) and (kulasya) family (narkaay) to take to hell (ev) is only (luptpindodak) secret bodily pleasure/sex; from male-female’s seminal fluid and seed (kriyaH) from act (eshaam’) their (pitarH) descendents (hi) also (patanti) decline. (42)

Translation: Mixture of castes is responsible for taking the destroyer of the family and the family itself to hell. From the secret act of bodily pleasure, their descendents from the male-female’s seminal fluid and seed also decline.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 43

DoshaeH, etaeH, kulaghnaanaam’, varnsankarkaarkaeH,
Utsaadhyante, jaatidharmaH, kuldharmaH, ch, shaashvataH ||43||

Translation: (EtaeH) these (varnsankarkaarkaeH) that create mixture of castes (doshaeH) faults (kulaghnaanaam’) destroyers of family (shaashvataH) ancient (kuldharmaH) laws of family (ch) and (jaatidharmaH) laws of the community (utsaadhyante) become destroyed. (43)

Translation: By these evil deeds of the destroyers of the family, that give rise to mixed castes, the ancient laws of family and the laws of community become destroyed.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 44

Utsannkuldharmaanaam’, manushyaanaam’, janaardan,
Narke, aniyatam’, vaasH, bhavti, iti, anushushrum ||44||

Translation: (Janaardan) O Janardan! (utsannkul dharmaanaam’) whose law of family has become destroyed, such (manushyaanaam’) men’s (aniyatam’) indefinite time (narke) in hell (vaasH) reside (bhavti) is (iti) so, we (anushushrum) have heard. (44)

Translation: O Janardan! Those whose law of familiy has become destroyed, such men dwell in hell for indefinite time. We have heard so.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 45

Aho, bat, mahat’, paapam’, kartum’, vyavasitaH, vayam’,
Yat’, raajyasukhlobhen, hantum’, swajanam’, udhyataH ||45||

Translation: (Aho) ha! (bat) grief! (vayam’) we people even on being wise (mahat’) great (paapam’) sin (kartum’) to commit (vyavasitaH) become ready (yat’) who (raajyasukhlobhen) with the greed of kingdom and pleasures (swajanam’) relatives (hantum’) to kill (udhyataH) have become ready. (45)

Translation: Alas! We people even on being wise have become ready to commit great sin; who have become ready to kill relatives with the greed of kingdom and pleasures.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 46

Yadi, mam’, apratikaaram’, ashastrm’, shastrpaanyaH,
DhartrashtraH, rane, hanyuH, tat’, me, kshemtaram’, bhavet’ ||46||

Translation: (Yadi) if (mam’) me (ashastrm’) unarmed and (apratikaaram’) unresisting (shastrpaanyaH) with weapons in hand/well-armed (DhartrashtraH) Dhritrashtr’s sons (rane) in the battle (hanyuH) kill, then (tat’) that death also (me) for me (kshemtaram’) better (bhavat’) will be. (46)

Translation: If the sons of Dhritrashtr, with weapons in hand, kill the unarmed and unresisting me, in the battle, then that death would also be better for me.

Gita Chapter 1 Verse 47

Evam’, uktva, ArjunH, sankhye, rathopasthe, upaavishat’,
Visrjya, sasharam’, chaapam’, shoksanvignmaanasH ||47 ||

Translation: (Sankhye) in the battlefield (shoksanvign) perturbed with grief (maaansH) mind (ArjunH) Arjun (evam’) thus (uktva) having said (sasharam’) along with arrow (chaapam’) bow (visrjya) cast aside (rathopasthe) on the rear end of chariot (upaavishat’) sat down. (47)

Translation: In the battlefield, having spoken thus, Arjun with his mind perturbed with grief, cast aside bow and arrows and sat down on the rear end of the chariot.

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