
Chapter 10 Verses

Bhagavad Gita / Chapter 10 Verses

Chapter 10 Verses

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 1

(Bhagwan uvaach)

BhooyH, ev, mahabaho, shrnu, me, parmm’, vachH,
Yat’, te, aham’, preeyamaanaay, vakshyaami, hitkaamyya ||1||

(God said)

Translation: (Mahabaho) oh mighty-armed! (bhooyH) again (ev) also (me) my (parmm’) most secretive and impressive (vachH) words (shrnu) listen to (yat’) which (aham’) I (te) you (preeyamaanaay) who has excessive love (hitkaamyya) with the desire of welfare (vakshyaami) will say. (1)

Translation: Oh mighty-armed! Also again listen to my most secretive and impressive words which I will say to you, who has excessive love, with the desire of welfare.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 2

Na, me, viduH, surganaaH, prbhavam’, na, mahrshayH,
Aham’, aadiH, hi, devaanam’, mahrshinam’, ch, sarvashH ||2||

Translation: (Me) my (prbhavam’) origin (na) neither (surganaaH) the gods know and (na) nor (mahrshayH) great seers (viduH) know (hi) because (aham’) I (sarvashH) in all respects (devaanam’) of the gods (ch) and (mahrshinam’) also of the great seers (aadiH) am the prime cause. (2)

Translation: Neither do the gods, nor the great seers know my origin because I am the prime cause of the gods and the great seers in all respects.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 3

YaH, mam’, ajam’, anaadim’, ch, vetti, lokmaheshwaram’,
AsammoodH, saH, matryeshu, sarvpapaeH, prmuchyate ||3||

Translation: (YaH) a learned person who (mam’) me (ch) and (anaadim’) the Everlasting i.e. Primordial (ajam’) Unborn (lok maheshwaram’) the Great God of all the loks i.e. the Greatest God (vetti) knows (saH) he (matryeshu) who knows the scriptures in the right way i.e. who has the knowledge of the scriptures, among men (asammoodH) knowledgeable i.e. a Tatvdarshi scholar by doing sadhna[1] based on Tatvgyan[2] (sarvpapaeH) from all the sins (prmuchyate) becomes free from; that person only speaks about sins in detail i.e. he only gives a correct description of the knowledge of creation and actions i.e. liberates one completely from ignorance. (3)

Translation: A learned person who knows me and the Everlasting i.e. Primordial, Unborn, the Great God of all the loks i.e. the Greatest God, he who knows the scriptures in the right way i.e who has the knowledge of the scriptures, knowledgeable among men i.e. a Tatvdarshi scholar, by doing sadhna based on Tatvgyan becomes free from all the sins. That person only speaks about sins in detail i.e. he only gives a correct description of the knowledge of creation and actions i.e. liberates one completely from ignorance.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 4, 5

BuddhiH, gyanm’, asammohH, kshma, satyam’, damH, shamH,
Sukham’, duHkham’, bhavH, abhaavH, bhayam’, ch, abhayam’, ev, ch ||

Ahinsa, samta, tushtiH, tapH, daanm’, yashH, ayashH,
Bhavanti, bhaavaH, bhootaanam’, mattH, ev, prthgvidhaH ||4, 5||

Translation: (BuddhiH) the power to decide (gyanm’) absolute knowledge (asammohH) freedom from ignorance (kshma) forgiveness (satyam’) truth (damH) control of the senses (shamH) control of mind (ev) and (sukham’, duHkham’) joy-sorrow (bhavH, abhaavH) origin-destruction (ch) and (bhayam’, abhaym’) fear-fearlessness (ch) and (ahinsa) non-violence (samta) equanimity (tushtiH) contentment (tapH) austerity (daanm’) charity (yashH) fame and (ayashH) infamy (bhootaanam’) living beings (prthagvidhaH) various (bhaavaH) qualities/characteristics (mattH) according to the rules (ev) only (bhavanti) are present. (4, 5)

Translation: The power to decide, absolute knowledge, freedom from ignorance, forgiveness, truth, control of the senses, control of mind and joy-sorrow, origin-destruction and fear-fearlessness and non-violence, equanimity, contentment, austerity, charity, fame and infamy – the various characteristics of the living beings are present according to the rules.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 6

MaharshayH, sapt, poorve, chatvaarH, manavH, tatha,
Mad’bhaavaH, maansaH, jaataH, yeshaam’, loke, imaH, prjaH ||6||

Translation: (Sapt) seven (maharshayH) great sages (chatvaarH) the four (poorve) before them, Sanakadi (tatha) and (manavH) fourteen Manus such as Swaayambhuv (mad’bhaavaH) who have faith in me / are engrossed in me, all these (maansaH) by my will (jaataH) have originated (yeshaam’) whose (loke) in the world (imaH) this (prjaH) whole population. (6)

Translation: The seven great sages and the four Sanakadi before them and the fourteen Manus such as Swaayambhuv, all these who have faith in me have originated by my will, who have all this population in the world.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 7

Etaam’, vibhootim’, yogm’, ch, mm, yaH, vetti, tatvatH,
SaH, avikampen, yogen, yujyate, na, atr, sanshayH ||7||

Translation: (YaH) a person who (mm) my (etaam’) in this way (vibhootim’) glory (ch) and (yogm’) power of yog (tatvatH) in essence (vetti) knows (saH) he (avikampen) unwavering (yogen) yog of bhakti (yujyate) is endowed (atr) in this (sanshayH) doubt (na) is not. (7)

Translation: A person who knows my glory and power of yog in essence in this way, he is endowed with unwavering yog of bhakti. There is no doubt about it.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 8

Aham’, sarvasya, prbhavH, matH, sarvam’, prvartte,
Iti, matva, bhajante, mam’, budhaH, bhaavsamnvitaH ||8||

Translation: (Aham’) I only (sarvasya) all (prbhavH) am the cause of origin (matH) according to my knowledge (sarvam’) whole world (prvartte) endeavours (iti) in this way (matva) understanding (bhaavsamnvitaH) endowed with faith and devotion (budhaH) the knowledgeable devotees who did not find a Tatvdarshi Saint (mam’) me alone (bhajante) constantly do my bhajan / worship me. (8)

Translation: I only am the cause of the origin of all. The whole world endeavours acording to my knowledge. Understanding in this way, the knowledgeable devotees, who did not find a Tatvdarshi Saint, endowed with faith and devotion constantly worship me alone.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 9

MachchittaH, madgatpraanaH, bodhyantH, parasparam’,
KathyantH, ch, mam’, nityam’, tushyanti, ch, ramanti, ch ||9||

Translation: (MadgatpraanaH) living beings dependent on me (bodhyantH) who only know this (ch) and (machchittaH) with mind engrossed in me (parasparam’) among themselves (kathyantH) discussing (ch) and (nityam’) always (tushyanti) remain contented (ch) and (mam’) in me (ramanti) remain engrossed. (9)

Translation: Living beings, who are dependent on me, who only know this and have mind engrossed in me, always remain contented by discussing among themselves and remain engrossed in me.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 10

Teshaam’, satatyuktaanam’, bhajtaam’, preetipoorvakam’,
Dadaami, buddhiyogm’, tam’, yen, mam’, upyaanti, te ||10||

Translation: (Teshaam’) those (satatyuktaanam’) who are always engaged in discussion of knowledge and (preetipoorvakam’) with loving devotion (bhajtaam’) who worship / do bhajan (tam’) of that level (buddhiyogm’) yog of knowledge (dadaami) give (yen) because of which (te) they (mam’) me (upyaanti) attain. (10)

Translation: To those who are always engaged in discussion of knowledge and do bhajan with loving devotion, I give the yog of knowledge of the same level, because of which they attain me.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 11

Teshaam’, ev, anukampaarthm’, aham’, agyaanjam’, tamH,
Naashyaami, aatmbhaavasthH, gyaandeepen, bhaasvta ||11||

Translation: (Aham’) I (ev) only (teshaam’) on them (anukampaarthm’) to shower grace (agyaanjam’) born of ignorance (tamH) darkness (naashyaami) destroy (aatmbhaavasthH) by entering like a ghost and establishing like a soul in a body, just as a soul speaks in the same way i.e. by establishing in aatm-baav in the soul (gyaandeepen) lamp of knowledge (bhaasvta) I, illuminate. (11)

Translation: I only to shower my grace on them, destroy the darkness born of ignorance. I illuminate the lamp of knowledge by entering like a ghost and establishing like a soul in the body; just as a soul speaks, in the same way by establishing in aatm-bhaav in the soul.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 12, 13

(Arjun uvaach)

Param’, Brahm, param’, dhaam, pavitrm’, parmm’, bhavaan’,
Purusham’, shaashvatam’, divyam’, aadidevam’, ajam’, vibhum’,

AahuH, tvaam’, rishayH, sarve, devrshiH, naradH, tatha,
AsitH, devalH, vyasH, swayam’, ch, ev, brveeshi, me ||12, 13||

(Arjun said)

Translation: (Bhavaan’) you (param’) Supreme (Brahm) Brahm (param’) supreme (dhaam) abode and (parmm’) supremely (pavitrm’) are pure because (tvaam’) you (sarve) all (rishayH) sages (shaashvatam’) eternal (divyam’) divine (purusham’) God and (aadidevam’) Primal God of gods (ajam’) unborn and (vibhum’) omnipresent (aahuH) call (tatha) likewise (devrshiH) Devrishi (naradH) Narad and (asitH) Asit and (devalH) Sage Deval and (vyasH) great sage Vyas also say the same (ch) and (swayam’) you yourself (ev) only (me) for me (brveeshi) say. (12, 13)

Translation: You are the Supreme Brahm, the supreme abode and supremely pure because all the sages call you as the Eternal Divine God and the Primal God of gods, unborn and the omnipresent. Likewise, Devrishi Narad and Asit and Deval Rishi and Maharishi Vyas also say the same and you yourself only say for me.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 14

Sarvam’, etat’, ritam’, manye, yat’, mam’, vadsi, keshavH,
Na, hi, te, bhagvan’, vyaktim’, viduH, devaH, na, daanvaH ||14||

Translation: (Keshav) Oh Keshav! (yat’) whatever (mam’) to me (vadsi) you say (etat’) this (sarvam’) all, I (ritam’) true (manye) consider (bhagvan’) Oh Lord! (te) your (vyaktim’) human-like visible form (na) neither (daanvaH) demons (viduH) know (na) nor (devaH) gods (hi) only. (14)

Oh Keshav! Whatever you say to me, I consider all this to be true. Oh Lord! Neither the demons know your human-like visible form nor only the gods.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 15

Swayam’, ev, aatmna, aatmaanm’, vetth, tvam’,
Purushottam, bhootbhaavan, bhootesh, devdev, jagatpate ||15||

Translation: (Bhootbhaavan) Oh Creator of living beings! (bhootesh) Oh Lord of living beings! (devdev) Oh God of gods! (jagatpate) Oh Master of universe! (Purushottam’) Oh Purushottam! (tvam’) you (swayam’) yourself (ev) only (aatmna) by yourself (aatmaanm’) yourself (vetth) know. (15)

Translation: Oh Creator of living beings! Oh Lord of living beings, Oh God of Gods! Oh Master of the universe! Oh Purushottam! You alone know yourself by yourself.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 16

Vaktum’, arhsi, asheshen, divyaH, hi, aatmvibhootayH,
YaabhiH, vibhootibhiH, lokaan’, imaan’, tvam’, vyaapya, tishthasi ||16||

Translation: (Hi) because (tvam’) you only those (divyaH aatmvibhootayH) your divine powers (asheshen) in entirety (vaktum’) in describing (arhsi) are capable (yaabhiH) those (vibhootibhiH) by the powers (imaan’) all these (lokaan’) loks (vyaapya) encompassing (tishthasi) are situated. (16)

Translation: You alone are capable of describing those divine powers of yours in entirety. The powers by which encompassing all these loks, you are situated.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 17

Katham’, vidhyaam’, aham’, yogin’, tvaam’, sadaa, parichintyan’,
Keshu, keshu, ch, bhaaveshu, chintyaH, asi, bhagvan’, mya ||17||

Translation: (Yogin’) Oh Yogeshwar! (aham’) I (katham’) how (sadaa) constantly (parichintyan’) while absorbed in thought (tvaam’) you (vidhyaam’) know (ch) and (bhagvan’) Oh Lord! You (keshu keshu) which-which (bhaaveshu) in forms (mya) by me (chintyaH) to be meditated upon (asi) are. (17)

Translation: Oh Yogeshwar! How shall I know you while constantly absorbed in your thoughts and Oh lord, in which-which forms you are to be meditated upon by me?

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 18

Vistren, aatmanH, yogm’, vibhootim’, ch, janaardan,
BhooyH, kathay, trptiH, hi, shrnvatH, na, asti, me, amrtam’ ||18||

Translation: (Janaardan) Oh Janardan! (aatmanH) your (yogm’) yogic power (ch) and (vibhootim’) glory (bhooyH) again/nevertheless (vistren) in detail (kathay) tell (hi) because your (amrtam’) nectar-like words (shrnvatH) by hearing (me) my (trptiH) satisfaction (na) not (asti) is i.e. the desire to hear remains. (18)

Translation; Oh Janardan! Again/Nevertheless tell about your yogic power and glory in detail because I am not satisfied by hearing your nectar-like words i.e. the desire to hear remains.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 19

(Bhagwan uvaach)

Hant, te, kathyishyaami, divyaH, hi, aatmvibhootayH,
PraadhaanyatH, kurushreshth, na, asti, antH, vistarasya, me ||19||

(God said)

Translation: (Kurushreshth) Oh best of the Kurus! (hant) now I shall (divyaH aatmvibhootayH) my divine manifestations / powers (te) to you (praadhaanyatH) main (kathyishyaami) tell (hi) because (me) my (vistarasya) extension (antH) limit / end (na) not (asti) is. (19)

Translation: Oh Best of the Kurus! Now I shall tell my main divine manifestations/powers to you because there is no limit to my extension.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 20

Aham’, aatma, gudaakesh, sarvbhootaashaysthitH,
Aham’, aadiH, ch, madhyam’, ch, bhootaanam’, antH, ev, ch ||20||

Translation: (Gudaakesh) Oh Arjun! (aham’) I (sarvbhootaashaysthitH) situated in all living beings (aatma) am the soul i.e. the soul dances to the tune of Kaal, therefore this has been said (ch) and (bhootaanam’) all the living beings (aadiH) beginning (madhyam’) middle (ch) and (antH) end (ch) also (aham’) I (ev) am alone. (20)

Translation: Oh Arjun! I am the soul situated in all the living beings i.e. the soul dances to the tune of Kaal, therefore this has been said. And I alone am the beginning, middle and end of all the living beings.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 21

Aadityaanam’, aham’, vishnuH, jyotisham’, raviH, anshumaan’,
MareechiH, marutaam’, asmi, nakshatraanaam’, aham’, shashi ||21||

Translation: (Aham’) I (aadityanam’) among the twelve sons of Aditi (vishnuH) Vishnu and (jyotisham’) among the lights (anshumaan’) radiant (raviH) sun (asmi) am and (aham’) I (marutaam’) of the fourty-nine wind-gods (mareechiH) brilliance / swiftness (nakshatraanam’) of the stars (shashi) lord, moon. (21)

Translation: I am Vishnu among the twelve sons of Aditi and am the radiant sun among the lights and I am the brilliance/swiftness of the forty-nine wind-gods and am the lord moon of the stars.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 22

Vedanam’, samvedH, asmi, devanam’, asmi, vaasavH,
Indriyanam’, manH, ch, asmi, bhootaanam’, asmi, chetna ||22||

Translation: (Vedanam’) among the Vedas (samvedH) SamVed (asmi) I am (devanam’) among the gods (vaasavH) Indra (asmi) I am (indriyanam’) among the senses (manH) mind (asmi) I am (ch) and (bhootaanam’) of the living beings (chetna) consciousness i.e. life-force (asmi) I am. (22)

Translation: Among the Vedas, I am SamVed; among the gods, I am Indra; I am the mind among the senses, and am the consciousness i.e. the life-force of the living beings.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 23

Rudranam’, shankarH, ch, asmi, vitteshH, yakshrakshsam’,
Vasoonam’, paavakH, ch, asmi, meruH, shikhrinam’, aham’ ||23||

Translation: (Rudranam’) among the eleven Rudras (shankarH) Shankar (asmi) I am (ch) and (yakshrakshsam’) among the Yakshas and Rakshas (vitteshH) I am Kuber, the lord of wealth (aham’) I am (vasoonam’) among the eight Vasus (paavakH) fire (asmi) I am (ch) and (shikhrinam’) among the peaked mountains (meruH) Sumeru mountain. (23)

Translation: Among the eleven Rudras I am Shankar, and among the Yakshas and Rakshas I am Kuber, the lord of wealth; I am fire among the eight Vasus and I am the Sumeru mountain among the peaked mountains.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 24

Purodhsam’, ch, mukhyam’, mam’, viddhi, paarth, brhaspatim’,
Senaneenam’, aham’, skandH, sarsaam’, asmi, sagarH ||24||

Translation: (Purodhsam’) among the priests (mukhyam’) head (brhaspatim’) Brahspati (mam’) me (viddhi) know (paarth) Oh Paarth! (aham’) I am (senaneenam’) among the army generals (skandH) Skand (ch) and (sarsaam’) among the reservoirs of water (sagarH) ocean (asmi) I am. (24)

Translation: Among the priests know me as the Chief Brahspati. Oh Paarth! I am Skand among the army generals and am ocean among the reservoirs of water.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 25

Mahrshinam’, bhrguH, aham’, giraam’, asmi, ekam’, aksharm’,
Yagyaanam’, japyagyaH, asmi, sthaavraanam’, himalayH ||25||

Translation: (Aham’) I am (mahrshinam’) among the great sages (bhriguH) Bhrigu and (giraam’) among the words (ekam’) one (aksharm’) letter i.e. Omkaar (asmi) I am (yagyaanam’) among all the types of yagyas (japyagyaH) Japyagya [silent repetition of God’s name] and (sthaavraanam’) among the stationary (himalayH) Himalaya mountain (asmi) I am. (25)

Translation: I am Bhrigu among the great sages and am the one letter i.e. Omkaar among the words. Of all the yagyas I am Japyagya (silent repetition of God’s name) and among the stationary I am the mountain Himalaya.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 26

AshvatthH, sarvvrkshanam’, devrshinam’, ch, naradH,
Gandharvanam’, chitrrathH, siddhanam’, kapilH, muniH ||26||

Translation: (Sarvvrkshanam’) of all the trees (ashvatthH) the Peepal tree (devrshinam’) among the Devrishis/celestial sages (naradH) sage Narad (gandharvanam’) among the Gandharvs (chitrrathH) Chitrrath (ch) and (siddhanam’) among the perfected sages/siddhs (kapilH) Kapil (muniH) sage. (26)

Translation: Of all the trees I am Peepal tree; Narad Muni among the Devrishis/celestial sages; Chitrrath among the gandharvs, and I am Kapil Muni among the Siddhs/perfected sages.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 27

UchchaiH, shravasm’, ashwanam’, viddhi, mam’, amrtod’bhavam’,
Aeraavatam’, gajendranam’, naraanam’, ch, naraadhipam’ ||27||

Translation: (Ashwanam’) among the horses (amrtod’bhavam’) born of nectar (uchchaiHshravasm’) horse named UchchaiHshrva (gajendraanam’) among the best elephants (aeraavatam’) elephant named Aeraavat (ch) and (naraanam’) among the human beings (naraadhipam’) the king (mam’) me (viddhi) know. (27)

Translation: Among the horses know me as UchchaiHshrva horse born from nectar; elephant named Aeraavat among the best elephants, and the king among the human beings.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 28

Aayudhaanam’, aham’, vajrm’, dhenunaam’, asmi, kamdhuk’,
PrjanH, ch, asmi, kandarpH, sarpaanam’, asmi, vasukiH ||28||

Translation: (Aham’) I am (aayudhaanam’) among the weapons (vajrm’) thunderbolt and (dhenunaam’) among the cows (kamdhuk’) Kamdhenu (asmi) am (prjanH) the cause of production of offsprings according to the course mentioned in the scriptures (kandarpH) Kamdev (asmi) am (ch) and (sarpaanam’) among the serpents (vasukiH) the king of serpents, Vasuki (asmi) I am. (28)

Translation: I am thunderbolt among the weapons and Kamdhenu among the cows. I am Kamdev, the cause of the production of offsprings according to the course mentioned in the scriptures and among the serpents I am the king of serpents, Vasuki.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 29

AnantH, ch, asmi, naaganam’, varunH, yaadsaam’, aham’,
Pitrnaam’, aryma, ch, asmi, yamH, sanyamtaam’, aham’ ||29||

Translation: (Aham’) I (naaganam’) snakes (anantH) Sheshnaag (ch) and (yaadsaam’) the lord of aquatic creatures (varunH) the Varun god (asmi) am (ch) and (pitrnaam’) among the Pitras (aryma) Pitra named Aryma and (sanyamtaam’) among the rulers (yamH) yamraj (aham’) I (asmi) am. (29)

Translation: I am Sheshnaag among the snakes and I am god Varun, the lord of the aquatic creatures and among the Pitras I am the Pitra named Aryma and among the rulers I am Yamraj.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 30

PrhladH, ch, asmi, daityaanam’, kaalH, kalaytaam’, aham’,
Mrgaanaam’, ch, mrgendrH, aham’, vainteyH, ch, pakshinam’ ||30||

Translation: (Aham’) I (daityaanam’) among the demons (prhladH) Prahlad (ch) and (kalaytaam’) of those who count (kaalH) time (asmi) am (ch) and (mrgaanaam’) among the animals (mrgendrH) king of animals, lion (ch) and (pakshinaam’) among the birds (aham’) I (vainteyH) Garud. (30)

Translation: I am Prahlad among the demons and am time of those who count, and among the animals I am the king of animals, Lion; and I am Garud among the birds.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 31

PawanH, pavtaam’, asmi, RamH, shastrbhrtaam’, aham’,
Jhshaanaam’, makarH, ch, asmi, strotsaam’, asmi jaah’nvi ||31||

Translation: (Aham’) I (pavtaam’) among the purifiers (pawanH) air and (shastrbhrtaam’) among the armed men (RamH) Shri Ram (asmi) am (jhshaanaam’) among the fishes (makarH) crocodile (asmi) am (ch) and (strotsaam’) among the rivers (jaah’nvi) Ganga (asmi) am. (31)

Translation: I am air among the purifiers and Shri Ram among the armed men. I am crocodile among the fishes, and am Ganga among the rivers.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 32

Sargaanaam’, aadiH, antH, ch, madhyam’, ch, ev, aham’, Arjun,
Adhyatmvidhya, vidhyaanam’, vaadH, prvadtaam’, aham’ ||32||

Translation: (Arjun) Oh Arjun! (sargaanaam’) of the natures/creations (aadiH) beginning (ch) and (antH) end (ch) and (madhyam’) even the middle (aham’) I (ev) only. (aham’) I (vidhyaanam’) among the studies (adhyaatmvidhya) Adhyatmvidhya i.e. Brahm vidhya / study of Brahm and (prvadtaam’) of those who debate among themselves (vaadH) the dialogue to bring out the true conclusion. (32)

Translation: Oh Arjun! I only am the beginning and end and even the middle of the natures/creations. Of all the studies I am Adhyatmvidhya (spiritual study) i.e. Brahmvidhya (study of Brahm) and I am the dialogue between those who debate among themselves to bring out the true conclusion.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 33

Aksharaanaam’, akaarH, asmi, dvandvH, saamaasikasya, ch,
Aham’, ev, akshayH, kaalH, dhaata, aham’, vishvatomukhH ||33||

Translation: (Aham’) I (aksharaanaam’) among the letters (akaarH) am Omkaar (ch) and (saamaasikasya) among the compound words (dvandvH) compound named Dvandv (asmi) am (akshayH) never-ending (kaalH) Kaal and (vishvatomukhH) the ‘Viraat’ appearance with faces in all directions (dhaata) one who acquires (aham’) I (ev) only. (33)

Translation: I am Omkaar among the letters and I am the samaas (compound) named Dvandv among the smaasas (compound words); the never-ending Kaal, and I only am one who acquires the ‘Viraat’ appearance with faces in all the directions.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 34

MrtyuH, sarvharH, ch, aham’, ud’bhavH, ch, bhavishytaam’,
KeertiH, sriH, vaak’, ch, naarinaam’, smrtiH, medha, dhrtiH, kshma ||34||

Translation: (Aham’) I (sarvharH) who destroy everyone (mrtyuH) death (ch) and (bhavishytaam’) those who are born (ud’bhavH) cause of origin (ch) and (naarinaam’) among the women (keertiH) fame (shriH) fortune (vaak’) speech (smritiH) memory (medha) intelligence (dhrtiH) steadfastness (ch) and (kshma) forgiveness. (34)

Translation: I am death who destroys everyone and the source of the origin of those who are born and among the women I am fame, fortune, speech, memory, intelligence, steadfastness and forgiveness.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 35

Brhtsaam’, tatha, saamnam’, gayatri, chhandsaam’, aham’,
Maasaanam’, maargsheershH, aham’, ritunaam’, kusumaakarH ||35||

Translation: (Tatha) and (saamnam’) among the hymns that can be sung (aham’) I (brhtsaam’) Brhtsam and (chhandsaam’) of the verses (gayatri) am verse Gayatri and (maasaanam’) among the months (maargsheershH) Maargsheersh and (ritunaam’) among the seasons (kusumaakarH) spring (aham’) I. (35)

Translation: And among the hymns that can be sung I am Brhtsam and of the verses I am verse gayatri and I am Maargsheersh among the months and spring among the seasons.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 36

Dhyootam’, chhalaytaam’, asmi, tejH, tejasvinaam’, aham’,
JayH, asmi, vyavsaayH, asmi, satvam’, satvvataam’, aham’ ||36||

Translation: (Aham’) I (chhalaytaam’) of the deceitful (dhyootam’) gambling and (tejasvinaam’) the glorious men (tejH) glory (asmi) am (aham’) I (jaiH) victory (asmi) am (vyavsaayH) determination and (satvvataam’) of the Satvik OR good/honest men (satvam’) the Satvik quality /goodness (asmi) am. (36)

Translation: I am gambling among the deceitful and the glory of the glorious men. I am victory, determination and the Satvik quality of the Satvik men /OR goodness of the good/honest men.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 37

Vrshneenaam’, vasudevH, asmi, Pandvanam’, dhananjayH,
Muninaam’, api, aham’, vyaasH, kaveenaam’, ushna, kaviH ||37||

Translation: (Vrshneenaam’) among the descendents of Vrshni (vasudevH) Vasudev i.e. I myself, your friend (pandvanam’) among the Pandavs (dhananjayH) Dhananjay i.e. you (muninaam’) among the sages (vyaasH) Ved Vyas and (kaveenaam’) among the poets (ushna) Shukracharya (kaviH) poet (api) also (aham’) I only (asmi) am. (37)

Translation: Among the descendents of Vrshni I am Vasudev i.e. I myself, your friend; among the Pandavs, Dhananjay i.e. you; among the sages/munis Ved Vyas, and I only am poet Shukracharya among the poets.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 38

DandH, damaytaam’, asmi, neetiH, asmi, jigeeshtaam’,
Maunm’, ch, ev, asmi, guhyaanaam’, gyaanm’, gyaanvataam’, aham’ ||38||

Translation: (Damaytaam’) those who suppress (dandH) punishment i.e power of suppression (asmi) am (jigeeshtam’) who seek victory (neetiH) statesmansip (asmi) am (guhyaanaam’) protector of things to be kept a secret (maunm’) silence (asmi) am (ch) and (gyaanvataam’) knowledgeable (gyaanm’) knowledge (aham’) I (ev) alone. (38)

Translation: I am the punishment of those who suppress i.e. am the power of their suppression; I am the statesmanship of those who seek victoey; I am silence, the protector of the things to be kept a secret and I alone am the knowledge of the knowledgeable people.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 39

Yat’, ch, api, sarvbhootaanaam’, beejam’, tat’, aham’, Arjun,
Na, tat’, asti, vina, yat’, syaat’, mya bhootam’, charaacharam’ ||39||

Translation: (Ch) and (Arjun) Oh Arjun! (yat’) that (sarvbhootaanaam’) all the living beings (beejam’) cause of origin (tat’) that (api) also (aham’) me alone because such (tat’) that (charaacharam’) animate and inanimate (bhootam’) living being (na) not (asti) is (yat’) that (mya) me (vina) devoid (syaat’) is. (39)

Translation: And Oh Arjun! That which is the cause of the origin of all the living beings is also me alone because there is no such animate or inanimate being that is devoid of me.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 40

Na, antH, asti, mm, divyaanaam’, vibhooteenam’, parantap,
EshH, tu, uddeshatH, proktH, vibhooteH, vistarH, mya ||40||

Translation: (Parantap) Oh Parantap! (mm) my (divyaanam’) divine (vibhooteenam’) powers /glories/attributes (antH) end (na) not (asti) is (mya) I, my (vibhoote) of attributes (eshH) this (vistarH) extent (tu) to you (uddeshatH) just as an indication i.e. in brief (proktH) spoken/described. (40)

Translation: Oh Parantap! There is no end to my divine powers /glories/attributes. I have described this extent of my powers/attributes /glories to you in brief.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 41

Yat’, yat’, vibhootimat’, satvam’, shreemat’, oorjitam’, ev, va,
Tat’, tat’, ev, avgachchh, tvam’, mm’, tejonshsambhavm’ ||41||

Translation: (Yat’ yat’ ev) whatever (vibhootimat’) majestic (shreemat’) superior view point (va) and (oorjitam’) powerful (satvam’) a thing is (tat’) that (tat’) that (tvam’) you (mm) my (tejonsh sambhavm’ ev) expression of a part of brilliance (avgachchh) know. (41)

Translation: Whatever is majestic, superior and powerful thing; know that as an expression of a part of my brilliance.

Gita Chapter 10 Verse 42

Athva, bahuna, eten, kim’, gyaaten’, tav, Arjun,
Vishtabhya, aham’, idam’, krtsnnm’, ekaanshen, sthitH, jagat ||42||

Translation: (Athva) or (Arjun) Oh Arjun! (eten) this (bahuna) a lot (gyaaten’) to know (tav) your (kim’) what is the need (aham’) I (idam’) this (krtsnnm’) whole (jagat) universe by power of my yog (ekaanshen) by a fraction (vishtabhya) by supporting (sthitH) am situated. (42)

Translation: Or oh Arjun! What is the need of your knowing all this in detail? I am situated by supporting this whole universe by a fraction of my power of yog.

 🡄 Chapter 9 Verses Chapter 11 Verses 🡆