
Chapter 12 Verses

Bhagavad Gita / Chapter 12 Verses

Chapter 12 Verses

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 1

(Arjun uvaach)

Evam’, satatyuktaH, ye, bhaktaH, tvaam’, paryupaaste,
Ye, ch, api, aksharam’, avyaktam’, teshaam’, ke, yogvittmaH ||1||

(Arjun said)

Translation: (Ye) those (bhaktaH) devotees (evam’) in the earlier mentioned way (satatyuktaH) by constantly engaging in your bhajan[1]- meditation (tvaam’) you (ch) and (ye) those who only (aksharam’) the eternal Sachchidanandghan (avyaktam’) the invisible one (api) also (paryupaaste) worship in the most superior way (teshaam’) of these two types of worshippers (yogvittmaH) the best knower of yog i.e. who accurately knows the method of bhakti (ke) who is? (1)

Translation: Those devotees who worship you in the earlier mentioned way by constantly engaging in your bhajan-meditation, and those who only worship the eternal, invisible Sachchidanandghan in the most superior way, of these two types of worshippers, who is the best knower of yog i.e. who accurately knows the method of bhakti?

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 2

(Bhagwan uvaach)

Myi, aaveshya, manH, ye, mam’, nityayuktaH, upaaste,
Shraddhya, parya, upetaH, te, me, yuktatmaH, mtaH ||2||

(God said)

Translation: (Myi) in me (manH) mind (aaveshya) by concentrating (nityayuktaH) constantly engaged in my bhajan-meditation (ye) those devotees who (parya) supreme (shraddhya) with faith (upetaH) endowed with (mam’) me (upaaste) worship (te) they (me) to me (yuktatmaH) best among the worshippers (mtaH) this is my opinion. (2)

Translation: Those devotees who by concentrating their mind in me constantly engaged in my bhajan-meditation worship me with supreme faith, I consider them the best among the worshippers. This is my opinion.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 3, 4

Ye, tu, aksharam’, anirdeshyam’, avyaktam’, paryupaaste,
Sarvatrgam’, achintyam’, ch, kootasthm’, achalam’, dhruvm’ ||3||

Sanniyamya, indriyagraamm’, sarvatr, sambuddhyaH,
Te, praapnuvanti, mam’, ev, sarvbhoothite, rataaH ||4||

Translation: (Te) but (ye) those who (indriyagraamm’) group of senses (sanniyamya) by properly restraining (achintyam’) beyond mind and intellect i.e. because of absence of tatvgyan[2] (sarvatrgam’) omnipresent (ch) and (kootasthm’) always uniform (dhruvm’) eternal (achalam’) unchanging (avyaktam’) invisible (aksharam’) immortal God (anirdeshyam’) against the direction of the scriptures i.e. abandoning the injunctions of scriptures (paryupaaste) constantly worship with one-pointed devotion (te) they (sarvbhoothite) in the welfare of all the living beings (rataaH) engaged and (sarvatr) towards everyone (sambuddhyaH) worshippers with equality (mam’) me (ev) only (praapnuvanti) come to. (3, 4)

Translation: But those who by properly restraining all the senses constantly worship the God who is beyond mind and intellect, omnipresent, always uniform, eternal, unchanging, invisible and immortal with one-pointed devotion, they, engaged in the welfare of all the living beings, with equality towards everyone, come to me alone.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 5

KleshH, adhiktarH, teshaam’, avyaktaasaktchetsaam’,
Avyakta, hi, gatiH, duHkham’, dehvad’ibhH, avaapyate ||5||

Translation: (Teshaam’) those (avyaktaasaktchetsaam’) the way of worship of men engrossed in the invisible Brahm (kleshH) argument-like suffering i.e. misery (adhiktarH) chiefly (hi) because (dehvad’ibhH) by the arrogant beings (avyakta) relating to the unmanifest (gatiH) state (duHkham’) with great difficulty (avaapyate) is attained. (5)

Translation: The way of worship of those men who are engrossed in the invisible Brahm chiefly involves argument-like suffering i.e. misery because the state relating to the unmanifest is attained with great difficulty by the arrogant beings.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 6

Ye, tu, sarvaani, karmaani, myi, sannyasya, matpraH,
Ananyen, ev, yogen, mam’, dhyaayantH, upaaste ||6||

Translation: (Tu) but (ye) those (matpraH) Matavlambi devotees dedicated to me (sarvaani) all (karmaani) actions (myi) unto me (sannyasya) surrendering (mam’) me, the God with qualities (ev) only (ananyen) exclusive (yogen) with devotion (dhyaayantH) constantly absorbed in thoughts (upaaste) worship. (6)

Translation: But those matavlambi devotees who are dedicated to me, who by surrendering all their actions unto me only worship me, the God with qualities, with exclusive devotion by being constantly absorbed in my thoughts.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 7

Teshaam’, aham’, samuddhartta, mrityusansaarsaagraat’,
Bhavaami, nachiraat’, paarth, myi, aaveshitchetsaam’ ||7||

Translation: (Paarth) Oh Arjun! (teshaam’) those (myi) in me (aaveshitchetsaam’) loving devotees who absorb their minds (aham’) I (nachiraat’) soon (mrityusansaarsaagraat’) world of ocean of death (samuddhartta) saviour (bhavaami) I be.

Translation: Oh Arjun! For those loving devotees who absorb their minds in me, I soon become a saviour from this world of ocean of death.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 8

Myi, ev, manH, aadhatsv, myi, buddhim’, niveshya,
Nivsishyasi, myi, ev, atH, oordhvam’, na, sanshayH ||8||

Translation: (Myi) in me (manH) mind (aadhatsv) fix and (myi) in me (ev) only (buddhim’) intellect (niveshya) engage (atH) this (oordhvam’) after (myi) in me (ev) only (nivsishyasi) will reside; there is (sanshayH) doubt (na) not. (8)

Translation: Fix your mind in me and engage your intellect only in me. After this you will reside in me only. There is no doubt about this.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 9

Ath, chittam’, smaadhaatum’, na, shaknoshi, myi, sthiram’,
Abhyaasyogen, tatH, mam’, ichchh, aaptum’, dhananjay ||9||

Translation: (Ath) if you (chittam’) mind (myi) in me (sthiram’) steadfastily (smaadhaatum’) to establish (na, shaknoshi) are not capable (tatH) then (dhananjay) Oh Arjun! (abhyaasyogen) through yog of practice (mam’) me (aaptum’) to attain (ichchh) you should desire / seek. (9)

Translation: If you are not capable of establishing your mind steadfastily in me, then oh Arjun, through yog of practice (abhyas-yog) seek to attain me.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 10

Abhyaase, api, asamarthH, asi, matkarmparamH, bhav,
Madartham’, api, karmaani, kurvan’, siddhim’, avaapasyasi ||10

Translation: (Abhyaase) in practice (api) even (asamarthH) incapable (asi) are then only (matkarmparamH) virtuous deeds for me in accordance with the scriptures (bhav) be (madartham’) for me (karmaani) actions (kurvan’) by performing (api) also (siddhim’) goal only (avaapasyasi) will attain. (10)

Translation: If you are not even capable of doing practice then only perform virtuous deeds for me in accordance with the scriptures. Even by performing actions for me, you will attain the goal.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 11

Ath, etat’, api, ashaktH, asi, kartum’, madhyogam’, aashritH,
Sarvkarmfaltyaagm’, tatH, kuru, yataatmvaan’ ||11||

Translation: (Ath) if (madhyogam’) yog of actions based on my opinion (aashritH) resorting to (etat’) the above-mentioned method (kartum’) in following (api) also (ashaktH) incapable (asi) are (tatH) then (yataatmvaan’) strive through (Sarvkarmfaltyaagm’) renounce the fruits of all actions (kuru) do. (11)

Translation: If you are also incapable of following the above-mentioned method by resorting to the yog of actions based on my opinion, then strive through renouncing the fruits of all actions.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 12

ShreyH, hi, gyaanm’, abhyaasaat’, gyaanaat’, dhyaanm’, vishishyate,
Dhyaanaat’, karmfaltyaagH, tyaagaat’, shaantiH, anantaram’ ||12||

Translation: (Abhyaasaat’) Because of absence of tatvgyan[3] abandoning the injunctions of scriptures by arbitrary practice (gyaanm’) knowledge (shreyH) is superior (gyaanaat’) Compared to knowledge of one who by not doing sadhna mentioned in the scriptures, only by gaining knowledge becomes famous as a scholar (dhyaanm’) Sahaj Dhyan i.e. Sahaj Samadhi (easy meditation) (vishishyate) is superior and (dhyaanaat’) also to meditation (karmfaltyaagH) renouncing the fruits of actions, recitation of naam/mantra is superior (hi) because (tyaagaat’) by doing bhakti renouncing the fruits of actions, by that sacrifice (anantaram’) immediately (shaantiH) attains peace. (12)

Translation: Knowledge (gyan) is superior to arbitrary practice (abhyas) done by abandoning the injunctions of scriptures because of absence of tatvgyan. Compared to knowledge of one who by not doing sadhna mentioned in the scriptures, only by gaining knowledge becomes famous as a scholar, Sahaj Dhyan i.e. Sahaj Samadhi (easy meditation) is superior. And compared to meditation, renouncing the fruits of actions, recitation of naam (mantra) is superior. Because by doing bhakti renouncing the fruits of actions, by that sacrifice one immediately attains peace.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 13, 14

Adweshta, sarvbhootaanaam’, maitrH, karunH, ev, ch,
NirmmH, nirahankaarH, samduHkhsukhH, kshami ||13||

SantushtH, satatam’,yogi, yataatma, dridnishchayH,
Myi, arpitmanobuddhiH, yaH, mad’bhaktH, saH, me, priyaH ||14||

Translation: (Yah) he who (sarvbhootaanaam’) towards all the living beings (adweshta) free from hatred (maitrH) friendly (ch) and (karunH) is compassionate (ev) and (nirmmH) free from affection (nirahankaarH) free from arrogance (samduHkhsukhH) balanced in joy-sorrow (kshami) is forgiving (yogi) that yogi (satatam’) always (santushtH) is contented (yataatma) free from defects/vices i.e. with control over body along with mind and senses (dridnishchayH) firmly determined (saH) he (myi) in me (arpitmanobuddhiH) dedicated mind and intellect (mad’bhaktH) my devotee who does bhakti according to the rules (me) to me (priyaH) is dear. (13, 14)

Translation: He who is free from hatred towards all the living beings, is friendly and compassionate and is free from affection and arrogance, is balanced in joy-sorrow and is forgiving, that yogi is always contented. Free from defects i.e. with control over body along with mind and senses, firmly determined that bhakt of mine with his mind and intellect dedicated to me, who does bhakti according to the rules, is dear to me.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 15

Yasmaat’, na, udwijate, lokH, lokaat’, na, udwijte, ch, yaH,
HarshaamarshbhyodwegaeH, muktH, yaH, saH, ch, me, priyaH ||15||

Translation: (Yasmaat’) by whom (lokH) any living being (na, udwijte) is not agitated (ch) and (yaH) who himself also (lokaat’) by any living being (na, udwijte) is not agitated (ch) and (yaH) who (harshamarshbhyodwegaeH) elation, resentment, fear, and anxiety etc (muktH) is free from (saH) that bhakt (me) to me (priyaH) is dear. (15)

Translation: He by whom no living being is agitated and who himself is not agitated by any living being, and who is free from elation, resentment, fear and anxiety etc, that bhakt is dear to me.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 16

AnpekshH, shuchiH, dakshH, udaaseenH, gatvyathH,
Sarvaarambhparityaagi, yaH, mad’bhaktH, saH, me priyaH ||16||

Translation: (YaH) he who (anpekshH) free from desires (shuchiH) internally and externally pure (dakshH) clever (udaaseen) unbiased and (gatvyathH) free from sorrows (saH) that (sarvaarambh parityaagi) who has renounced all commencements i.e. who had commenced all actions against the injunctions of scriptures. Abandoning them who acts according to the injunctions of the scriptures (mad’bhaktH) a matanusar my bhakt (me) to me (priyaH) is dear. (16)

Translation: He, who is free from desires, is internally and externally pure, clever, unbiased and free from sorrows, who has renounced all commencements i.e. who had commenced all actions against the injunctions of scriptures, abandoning them who acts according to the injunctions of the scriptures, that matanusar my bhakt is dear to me.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 17

YaH, na, hrshyati, na, dweshti, na, shochati, na, kaankshati,
Shubhaashubhparityaagi, bhaktimaan’, yaH, saH, me, priyaH ||17||

Translation: (YaH) he who (na) neither (hrshyati) becomes elated (na) nor (dweshti) hates (na) neither (shochti) grieves (na) nor (kaankashati) craves and (yaH) who (shubhaashubh parityaagi) renounces all the auspicious and inauspicious actions (saH) he (bhaktimaan’) endowed with devotion (me) to me (priyaH) is dear. (17)

Translation: He who neither becomes delighted, nor hates, neither grieves, nor craves and who renounces all the auspicious and inauspicious actions, he, who is endowed with devotion, is dear to me.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 18

SamH, shatrau, ch, mitre, ch, tatha, maanaapmaanyoH,
SheetoshnsukhduHkheshu, samH, sangvivarjitH ||18||

Translation: (Shatrau, mitre) towards an enemy and friend (ch) and (maanaapmaanyoH) in honour and dishonour (samH) is same (tatha) and (sheetoshn sukhduHkheshu) in heat-cold and joy-sorrow etc (samH) is same (ch) and (sangvivarjitH) is detached. (18)

Translation: He who is same to a friend and an enemy, and in honour and dishonour, and is same in heat-cold and joy-sorrow etc and is detached.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 19

TulyanindaastutiH, mauni, santushtH, yen, kenchit’,
AniketH, sthirmatiH, bhaktimaan’, me, priyaH, narH ||19||

Translation: (TulyanindaastutiH) who considers criticism and praise to be same (mauni) remains silent and (yen, kenchit’) with whatever (santushtH) is contented and (aniketH) free from affection and attachment (sthirmatiH) with steadfast mind (bhaktimaan’) devoted (narH) man (me) to me (priyaH) is dear. (19)

Translation: He, who considers criticism and praise to be same, remains silent and is contented with whatever comes to him, free from affection and attachment, that devoted person with steadfast mind is dear to me.

Gita Chapter 12 Verse 20

Ye, tu, dharmyamritm’, idam’, yatha, uktam’, paryupaaste,
ShraddhdhaanaaH, matparmaH, bhaktaH, te, ateev, me, priyaH ||20||

Translation: (Tu) but (ye) those who (shraddhdhanaH) endowed with faith (MatparmaH) God superior to me, being devoted to scripture-based sadhna (idam’) this (yatha, uktam’) above-mentioned (dharmyamritm’) religious nectar (paryupaste) worship with full faith (te) those (bhaktaH) devotees (me) to me (ateev) exceedingly (priyaH) are dear. (20)

Translation: But those faithful men, who being devoted to scripture-based sadhna, worship the God superior to me with full faith, this above-mentioned religious nectar, those devotees are exceedingly dear to me.

 🡄 Chapter 11 Verses Chapter 13 Verses 🡆