
Information about Chakras (lotuses) in Human Body

Hinduism / Information about Chakras (lotuses) in Human Body

Information about Chakras (lotuses) in Human Body

The abode of the ultimate Supreme Divine, master of all, has a path that passes through the lotus chakras formed within the human body. There is no other path. These lotus chakras are situated along the spinal cord within the human body. To understand their placement, please refer to the human figure.

You are viewing this illustration. The position of each lotus is clearly depicted. Each lotus has a closed entrance door.

Such a condition exists within the body of every human (male or female). All the lotuses (chakras) are connected by a central channel known as the Sushumna Nadi. It is like a pipe, called the Banknaal, which connects the lotus doors. There is no entrance door other than the lotus doors in it. The soul resides in the heart lotus. One who practices true devotion comes to the Mool Kamal (root lotus) from the heart lotus at the time of liberation (death). From there, they ascend upwards. With the power of worship throughout their life, all the lotus chakras open up. They proceed unhindered towards their desired divine abode.

Special Note: Just as there are channels on television, where programs seen on TV are actually happening elsewhere, similarly, the lower deities and the Supreme Being are seen in the lotuses like channels in the body.

Just as solar energy accumulates in the solar system from the sunlight falling on it, similarly, the chanting of mantras causes the lotuses to bloom. Before that, they remain wilted. After the lotus blooms, the power of each deity starts influencing the practitioner's soul, resulting in the accumulation of worship.

Sant Garibdas Ji has mentioned in the Sukshmaveda:

तीनों देवता कमल बसैं, ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, महेश।
प्रथम इनकी बन्दना, सुन सतगुरू उपदेश।।

Meaning, Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji, and Shri Shiva Ji, the three deities, reside in the lotus petals (chakras) formed in our body. Therefore, the first practice is to worship them. Learn the practice beyond this from the enlightened saint, the Satguru.

Now, learn the practice of the lower and upper chakras as explained by the Satguru:

  1. In the Mool Kamal (root chakra) resides Lord Ganesha: It has four petals. There is a mantra to open its entrance door, which is the fundamental mantra of worshiping Lord Ganesha. By practicing it, Lord Ganesha starts giving immediate results and opens the door for the soul. Then, the soul proceeds towards the Swadhisthana chakra because the soul needs to go to that realm where the Supreme Being resides. After reaching there, the practitioner does not return to the worldly existence.
  2. Swadhisthana Kamal (sacral chakra): It has six petals. Shri Brahma Ji and his consort Savitri Ji reside here. There is a mantra to open its door, which, when practiced, gets opened by Brahma Ji. Then, the soul proceeds upwards towards the Nabhi Kamal.
  3. Nabhi Kamal (navel chakra): It has eight petals. Shri Vishnu Ji and his consort Lakshmi Ji reside here. Its door remains closed as well. There is a mantra to open it, which, when chanted, impresses these deities and makes them pleased, opening the door for the soul. Then, the soul proceeds towards the heart chakra.
  4. Hriday Kamal (heart chakra): It has twelve petals. Shri Shiv Ji and his consort Parvati Ji reside here. Its door remains closed too. Chanting a specific mantra opens this door, attracting these deities, who then guide the soul. Then, the soul proceeds upwards towards the throat chakra.
  5. Kanth Kamal (throat chakra): It has sixteen petals. Goddess Durga (Ashtangi) resides here. Its door also remains closed. There is a mantra to open it, and upon being impressed and pleased, Goddess Durga opens the door for the soul. Then, the soul proceeds towards the Trikuti Kamal.
  6. Trikuti Kamal (third-eye chakra): It has two petals, one black and the other white. Param Akshar Brahm is manifest as a saint in the white one. His designation is Satguru. Kal Brahm also manifests as a saint in the black one. He also assumes a form similar to Param Akshar Brahm to deceive souls and keep them in his illusion. After reaching this stage, the soul realizes its true state, akin to someone who has gone abroad. To return home, they reach the airport. From there they are made to board the flight to their destination. From trikuti, the soul is taken directly to the court of Dharmaraj (the judge). There, everyone's deeds are accounted for. Then, depending on whether one is a devotee of Shri Vishnu Ji, Shri Shiv Ji, or any other deity, or a practitioner of Mother Shri Durga Ji, one is sent to their respective abodes. Others who are sinful are sent to hell or the bodies of other beings as per their deeds.
  7. Sahasrara Kamal (crown chakra): It has a thousand petals. Kal Brahm (Jyoti Niranjan) resides here. This lotus is the channel of Brahmlok. The entrance to Brahmlok is called Brahmarandhra, which remains closed too. There is a two-letter mantra to open it, which needs to be chanted.
    • Special Note: Due to lack of complete spiritual knowledge, practitioners do not chant the 'Om' mantra correctly. As a result, they do not reach the Brahmarandhra. Those who chant 'Om Namah Shivaya', 'Om Bhagavate Vasudevaya Namah', etc., are sent to the abodes of Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu, respectively. Om alone does not open the Brahmarandhra. It opens only through the true name (Satnaam). The true name is of two letters. Due to the inability to open the Brahmarandhra, one is sent to the abodes of Vishnu or Shiva because those who chant the 'Om Namah' mantra always add the tinge of their chosen deity's mantra. Then, one becomes a ruler on Earth, then goes into animal forms.
    After this, there are two more lotuses:
  8. Ashtadal Kamal and
  9. Sankh Kamal Dal.

I won't write their descriptions. This is explained to the disciples as a secret teaching. The mantras to open all the above lotuses are only known to the servant (author - Rampal Das). Every human desiring liberation can only attain it by opening these lotuses.

The lotus chakras are opened in two ways:

Through the practice of meditation and concentration using the Hatha Yoga path: This method is very difficult. The common man cannot practice this method. In one lifetime, one or two lotus chakras may open. Due to lack of complete knowledge about them, the practitioner becomes attached to only one lotus chakra and starts experiencing visions there. Some attain certain powers and fame through them but end up destroying their lives.

Through repetition of divine names: By chanting divine names, all lotus chakras are opened. This method is simple and effective as per the scriptures. It can be easily practiced by the common man. It can be performed continuously as described in the Sukshmaveda. Kabir Ji said:

Naam uthat naam baithat, naam sovat jaag re| naam khate naam peetey, naam seti laag re||
(नाम उठत नाम बैठत, नाम सोवत जाग रे। नाम खाते नाम पीते, नाम सेती लाग रे।।)

In other words, chanting the name can be done while doing wordly tasks. It's mentioned in Yajurveda Chapter 40, Verse 15: "Om Krato simar, Klibe simar, Kritum simar." That is, chant the name Om while doing work, with special devotion and yearning and considering it to be the main duty of human life. As stated in the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8, Verses 5 and 7, Arjuna is advised to perform both warfare and remembrance of the divine.

Reflect on this: There is no task more difficult than war. Worship should be practiced even during that time, meaning, sadhna with divine names is effective. Chanting the names is easy for everyone from a three-year-old child to an old person. It can be done while working, walking, lying down, or sitting.

Special Note: Chanting mantras has such an impact on the deities as if a snake spreads its hood to bite; a person who knows the art of controlling snakes, that is, by chanting Gaardu mantra, can control the snake. Due to its influence, the snake gathers its hood and leaves the path. This has been explained very well by Saint Kabir:

Kabir, jaise phanapati (sarp) mantr sun, raakhai phan sakod | aisa beera mere mantra naam se, kaal brahm leve munh mod ||

(कबीर, जैसे फनपति (सर्प) मंत्र सुन, राखै फन सकोड़। ऐसा बीरा मेरे मंत्र नाम से, काल ब्रह्म लेवे मुंह मोड़।।)

In other words, as Kabir Ji has said, just as the snake raises its hood to strike, the snake-charmer chants the Gaardu mantra and makes the snake surrender, similarly, by chanting the name mantra given by me, Kaal Brahm withers away and cannot interfere. Likewise, chanting lotus mantras makes all these deities leave the paths clear of obstacles.

Another example: Just as villagers search for a bull to impregnate a cow because the bull may be grazing somewhere, the bull owner calls the bull by chanting its original mantra, which affects the bull so much that it is drawn towards the one who is chanting. Then it is shown the cow, and the bull impregnates it. The mantra for calling the bull is 'kurra-kurra'. Similarly, chanting the name Vishnu Vishnu does not affect Lord Vishnu at all. However, the mantra that this Das provides, has a strong effect and yields complete benefits. In this way, know the position of other deities.

There are some rules on the spiritual path that must be followed.

Initiation should be taken from a complete guru.

Chanting the name and giving donations without a guru is futile.

कबीर, गुरू बिन माला फेरते, गुरू बिन देते दान। गुरू बिन दोनों निष्फल हैं, पूछो वेद पुराण।।

In other words, Kabir Ji said that chanting the name and giving donations without a guru are futile. Read your Vedas and Puranas.

Chanting the mantras of lotuses is a true practice for the welfare of the soul. It neither creates a new religion nor abandons any religion. Anyone from any religion (male-female) can practice this sadhana. Currently, most of Hindu society says that Rampal Das is against Hinduism. He advises giving up the worship of Brahma Ji, Vishnu Ji, and Shiva Ji. Reflect on whether Rampal Das is discouraging sadhna of Brahma Ji, Vishnu Ji, and Shiva Ji or is instructing worship based on scriptures.

 🡄 Resurgence of Sanatani Worship All Humans have same configuration of Body Lotuses irrespective of Religion 🡆