
Sacred Hindu Scriptures vs Hindus

Hinduism / Sacred Hindu Scriptures vs Hindus

Sacred Hindu Scriptures vs Hindus

{Hindu religion is also called Sanatan religion and Vedic religion.}

The main scriptures of the sacred Hindu religion

The religious books of the devout Hindu society are as follows: -

  • The holy four Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda),
  • The holy Shrimad Bhagavad Gita,
  • Eighteen Puranas,
  • The Mahabharata text,
  • Shrimad Bhagwat (Sudha Sagar) and
  • Eleven Upanishads etc.

Hindus believe that all these holy scriptures contain information about God, about worship, and are full of true knowledge. Taking these as the basis, a hindu performs his religious rituals and devotional acts. Due to being home to a large number of Hindus, the great country of India is also named Hindustan.

Good things from sacred Hindu (Sanatan) scriptures

It is said in Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 Verse 23-24 that:-

Gita Chapter 16 Verse 23:- Oh Arjun! The person who abandons the scriptures and behaves as per his wish. He neither attains happiness, nor attains success, nor does he attain liberation (moksha).

Gita Chapter 16 Verse 24:- Therefore for you Arjun! The scriptures are the only proof in the system of kartavya (sadhana which should be done) and akartavya (sadhana which should not be done). You should do worship as per the scriptures.

It is said in Gita Chapter 4 Verse 5, Gita Chapter 2 Verse 12, Gita Chapter 10 Verse 2 that O Arjun! You and I have had many births. You don't know, I know. You, I and these kings were born before and will be born again.

The sages and gods do not know my origin because they have originated from me. (It is clear that the one who says the knowledge of Gita is doomed.)

It is said in Gita Chapter 2 Verse 17, Gita Chapter 15 Verse 17, O Arjun! Indestructible is the one whom no one is capable of killing. By whom the whole world is pervaded i.e. who has created the world. Who enters all the three worlds and nourishes everyone is called God. God is immortal. That (uttam purush tu anya) Purushottam i.e. the capable Supreme God is someone other than me who is called God. He is the immortal God.

In Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62:- The one who gave the knowledge of Gita has said that O Bharat! You go in the refuge of that God i.e. Param Akshar Brahm with all your heart, by His grace you will attain supreme peace and (Shashwatam Sthanam) eternal supreme abode i.e. imperishable world (Satyalok).

About the God in whom one is asked to take refuge, it has been said thus in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 1, 3, 8, 9, 10, 20-22, Gita Chapter 15 Verse 17":-

Arjun said in Gita In Chapter 8 Verse 1, the question was asked that what is the Tat Brahm which you have said about in Gita Chapter 7 Verse 29? In Gita Chapter 8 Verse 3, the answer was given that “He is the Param Akshar Brahm.” Regarding the same, it is said in verses 8, 9, 10, 20-22 that one who worships 'Tat Brahm' i.e. Param Akshar Brahm, only he attains that Supreme God. That (uttam purush tu anya) purushottam is other than me. He is called God, who enters all the three worlds and nourishes everyone. God is immortal.

The giver of the knowledge of Gita has said about himself: -

It has been said in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 5 and 7 that whoever worships me will attain me. Fight and also remember me. The giver of Gita knowledge has stated his position in Gita Chapter 2 Verse 12, Gita Chapter 4 Verse 5, Gita Chapter 10 Verse 2 that you, I and these kings all undergo birth and death. You and I have had many births. (It is clear that the one who says the knowledge of Gita is mortal.)

Good sayings of Holy Vedas

God is present (seated) in the uppermost world. He looks like a king i.e. sitting on a throne. There is a crown on his head, a white umbrella, and he is corporeal.

God comes to earth by moving from the upper world. He meets good souls and ends their troubles.

He wanders around behaving like a poet. He inspires to do worship by uttering speeches from his lotus mouth. He invents secret names (mantras) of worship.

God speaks Tatvgyan i.e. complete spiritual knowledge through poetry i.e. in the form of couplets, words, quatrains. For this reason, as one of the famous poets, He also receives the title of poet, that is, for the same reason, God is also called a poet.

God performs three types of activities:-

  1. In every era, he comes physically from his world and sits on a lotus flower in a lake in the form of a newborn baby. The upbringing of that child is done by virgin cows. He grows up and preaches tatvgyan (core knowledge).
  2. God appears at any place at any time and meets the devotees in different guises. He protects them and shows them the true path of devotion.
  3. After changing his appearance, he stays at some place in the guise of a saint for some time. He builds a cottage or ashram there and tells the true knowledge and the true method of worship to the good souls.

Good things from Puranas

Best Pilgrimage - Chitta Shuddhi Tirtha

The best pilgrimage among all the pilgrimages is the pilgrimage of purity of mind (Chitta Shuddhi Tirtha).

The example given is that “by bathing in the waters of pilgrimage, the dirt of the body is washed away, but the dirt of the mind is not washed away.” For that one should listen to the satsang of a Tatvadarshi saint. Satsang purifies the mind. This is called Chittashuddhi Tirtha. This statement is also supported in Gita Chapter 4 Verse 32 and 34.

Once upon a time, sage Vashishtha ji and sage Vishwamitra ji lived in ashrams on the banks of river Ganga. They used to bathe daily in the waters of the Ganges. They used to drink the same Ganges water. Once both of them had a conflict over some issue. Both of them took out weapons and got ready to kill each other. The war ended by third party mediation.

It is said in Sukshmved that:-

Kabir, ganga kaanthai ghar karen, peevai nirmal neer.
mukti nahin satyanaam bin, kah sachch kabir.

kabeer, teerth kar-kar jag mua, oodai paanee nhaay.
Satyanaam japa nahin, kaal ghaseeten jaay.

That is, one resides on the banks of the river Ganga, consider it as the giver of salvation and drink the pure water of the Ganga, but salvation is not possible without the scripture-verified true name mantra of worship.

God Kabir further explains that based on deluded knowledge, people go to pilgrimage sites. They continue this practice throughout their lives. When they die, they do not find relief from this practice. The messengers of death forcefully drag them away and punish them.

Performing rituals (ancestor worship, offering oblations, ghost worship, idol worship) is against the Vedas. They are done out of ignorance.

Evidence: The story of the birth of Rouchya Rishi is in the Markandeya Purana. You will find all these good things in this book, which is written with evidence. It has been clarified by photocopying the scriptures.

Religious practices of the Sacred Hindu faith

Adi Shankaracharya ji was born in 508 BCE i.e. if counted from 2013, it was 2521 years ago. The path of worship shown by him is currently being followed by the holy Hindu society. Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji and Shri Shiva Ji are considered as respected Gods. They also do idol worship. There is a tradition of worshiping Panch Dev in which these three gods are also worshiped. It is also believed that Shri Brahma ji is Rajgun, Shri Vishnu ji is Satgun and Shri Shankar ji is Tamgun. It has also been proved from Markandeya Purana that there are three main deities; Shri Brahma ji is full of Rajgun, Shri Vishnu ji is full of Satgun and Shri Shiv Shankar is full of Tamgun. These are the three gods; These are the three qualities.

Belief in Hinduism

Hindu society believes that these three gods have no parents. It is also believed that they never die; they have not even been born, they are self-made. Then it is also said that the age of Shri Brahma ji is hundred years, which is calculated as follows:-

Age of Brahma

One day of Lord Brahma is of 1008 (one thousand and eight) Chaturyuga, it is also called one Kalpa.

There are four eras in a Chaturyuga:-

  1. “Sat Yuga:- This is the period of 1728000 (seventeen lakh twenty eight thousand) years.
  2. Treta Yuga:- This is the period of 1296000 (twelve lakh ninety six thousand) years.
  3. Dwapar Yuga:- This is a period of 864000 (eight lakh sixty four thousand) years.
  4. Kalyug:- This is a period of 432000 (four lakh thirty two thousand) years.

Mathematically, the duration of one Chaturyuga is 4320000 (forty-three lakh twenty thousand) years. Multiply by one thousand and eight and see how many earth years one day of Shri Brahma Ji makes. The same amount of time has been mentioned in the night. This becomes one day and night. A month comprises of thirty such days and nights, and a year of twelve (12) months. Thus, the age of Lord Brahma is considered to be hundred years. Currently, Lord Brahma is fifty years old and has entered his fifty-first year.

Hindu gentlemen do not believe in the birth and death of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. When discussed, they refer to all three as unborn and immortal. They consider the Supreme Being to be formless. They regard heaven as the ultimate liberation place. They also glorify Goloka. Sometimes, they also discuss Brahmaloka. Along with this, they continue to incorporate the worship of other goddesses and deities. Even with so much worship, Hindu practitioners are not satisfied. Alongside, they consider ritualistic practices as an important part of worship, such as idol worship, ancestor worship, known as Shraddha karma, worship of spirits, that is, performing the final rites of the body after death, immersing the remaining ashes in the Ganges river with the help of the Pandit (their religious guru), observing the thirteenth or seventeenth day after death. On that day, they call the Pandit and conduct worship and rituals to liberate the departed soul. Then, after the completion of the month, they perform the same worship again on the same date for the liberation of the soul. Then, they perform the Pind daan, which signifies liberation. Then they perform Shraddha to satisfy the ancestors. It is said that the crow should definitely be fed during the Shraddha feast. It is also believed that the deceased may have turned into a crow. Some Hindu gentlemen also do not miss reciting the Garuda Purana, by which they, in the process of liberating the soul of the deceased, sometimes make it suffer misfortune, turning it into a crow.

Please think: Educated Hindu devotees recite the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita daily. Reading the Puranas is also an important part of Hindu society's worship. Reading and listening to the Ramayana and Mahabharata texts is the main religious duty, but Hindu devotees do not have proper knowledge of these texts. This is why, despite performing numerous rituals, they remain spiritually thirsty, without liberation.

Visiting temples for worship is considered important. Gaining religious benefits by pilgrimage to holy places, undertaking journeys to the four pilgrimage sites, and earning merit by bathing in the holy waters during the Kumbh Mela are also not overlooked, which are meaningless rituals.

One day I had a conversation with a Hindu seeker. He used to visit several temples early in the morning. During the knowledge discussion he said that today is a holiday as it is Sunday; I Went to four temples and also went to the one in the cremation ground. All four are temples of Lord Shiva.

I questioned him, O devotee! Imagine you are thirsty and you find a water kiosk of cool sweet water with three to four taps. You will open a tap and drink water. Your thirst will be quenched. After quenching your thirst, will you also drink water from another tap located two feet away?

His answer was, "who would touch the other tap once the thirst was quenched. If there was no water in the first tap, I would have attempted to drink water from all the adjacent taps."

I said, O devotee! Similarly, you went to God to satisfy your soul i.e. to make a wish. If you were satisfied with the first temple, would you go to the second temple two kilometers away? This proves that there is no God in those temples. There is an idol of God in them. Appetite is not satisfied with the sculpture of an apple, it is satisfied with a real apple. Similarly, one does not get the benefit of God from the idol of God. One gets benefit by worshiping God as per the scriptures.

In the pious Hindu society, the names of the four Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda) are taken with full respect. It is believed that the Vedas contain the best knowledge of worship and worship of God. It is surprising that 80% of the Hindu society performs devotional activities contrary to the Vedas and 80% of the Hindus have not even seen the Vedas.

Special Note: The Hindu society considers the Bhagavad Gita as the essence and concise form of all four Vedas. The knowledge of the Vedas is succinctly expressed in the Gita. This is also an undisputed opinion.

After the death of a saintly person, their body is buried in the earth, and a memorial shrine (small temple) is built over it as a tribute. Then they start worshipping it, which includes bowing down and paying respects. After the death of their loved ones, they create a memorial space for them in their homes or fields by placing four or five bricks and creating a small hut-like structure, they also consider lighting a lamp on it as a part of the worship. (This is the main worship of the sacred Hindu society.)

Question 1: What is the status of the sacred scriptures of Hinduism?

Answer: The four Vedas are supreme, and the Bhagavad Gita is the essence of all four Vedas, i.e., a summary. Therefore, the Gita is also the knowledge given by the Lord.

Question 2: By which deity were the four Vedas provided?

Answer: They were provided by the Supreme God (Param Akshar Brahm), also known as the Satya Purusha.

Question 3: Who is the Supreme God (Param Akshar Brahm), and where is the evidence?

Answer: In Chapter 8, Verse 1 of the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna asked the bestower of the knowledge of the Gita (according to Hindus, Lord Shri Krishna) what that Brahm is, which you referred to as "tat brahm" in Chapter 7, Verse 29. The giver of the knowledge of the Gita answered in Chapter 8, Verse 3, saying, "It is the Supreme God (Param Akshar Brahm)." Then in Chapter 8, Verse 5 and 7, he instructed Arjuna to worship him and said that whoever worships me will attain me.

Furthermore, in Chapter 8, Verse 8, 9, 10, 20-22 of the Bhagavad Gita, it is advised to worship the other "Supreme God (Param Akshar Brahm)." It is also said that He is the Sachchidananda Ghana Brahm, meaning the Supreme God (Sarvasya Dhaataaram) who sustains and nourishes everyone. The seeker who worships Him attains Him.

What is the achievement of Worship advised by the speaker of the knowledge of the Holy Gita

Then in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 13, the mantra of worship is said to be only one syllable Om:-

Original text:- Om Iti Ekaksharam Brahma Vyaharan Maam Anusmaran.
  Yah Prayati, Tyajan Deham, Sah Yaati Paramam Gatim..13.

That is (Mam Brahm) there is only one letter Om (Om Iti Ekaksharam) of Me Brahm i.e. the giver of the knowledge of Gita. (YaH) One who recites this (Anusmaran) and remembers it (Prayati Tyajan Deham) and leaves the body, (Sah) that seeker (Yati Paramam Gatim) attains the ultimate salvation obtained from Om Mantra i.e. Brahmlok. Kaal Brahma resides in Brahmlok.

Question 4:- Where is the proof that “those who chant the name Om go to Brahmlok and Brahm also lives in Brahmlok?”

Answer:- In Chapter 36 of the seventh Skanda of Shri Devi Mahapuran, Shri Devi Ji said to King Himalaya that O King! Leaving aside all other things, that is, leaving aside all other worship, just remember the name Om, by remembering which you will attain Brahm who resides in the divine sky Brahmlok.

{Note:- It is said in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 16 that the devotees who have gone to Brahmlok are also in the cycle of rebirth i.e. coming and going (cycle of birth and death).}

Question 5 (Hindu side):- It is also said in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 16 that “O Arjun! All the worlds till Brahmloka are in recurrence, but Kunti son! After attaining Me, there is no rebirth.'' It is clear from this that one is not reborn after attaining the knowledge giver god of Gita.

Answer:- The translation of this verse is incorrect. Consider carefully that the giver of the knowledge of Gita has mentioned only one letter Om about his own worship in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 13. It is clear in the seventh Skanda of Shri Devi Mahapuran that the one who chants the name Om goes to Brahmlok and attains Brahm. Brahm lives in Brahmaloka. It is clear in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 16 that the devotees who have gone to Brahmlok are also in the cycle of recurrence i.e. birth and death. Even after going there one has to take birth again. One has to come to earth. Brahm lives in Brahmlok. This is evident in Shri Devi Purana. Only the one who attains Brahm will go to Brahmalok, only then he will attain Brahm. It is said in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 16 that those who go to Brahmlok are also in the cycle of birth and death. If we carefully look at the original text of Gita Chapter 8 Verse 13, then it is said in it (Mam Brahm) I have only one letter Om of Brahm…..' Other translators have not translated Gita Chapter 8 Verse 16 correctly. I have (the author) translated it correctly. If we believe the translation of other translators of Gita Chapter 8 Verse 16 that after attaining me, one is not reborn; when the giver of Gita knowledge has claimed to be in birth and death, in Gita Chapter 2 Verse 12, Gita Chapter 4 Verse 5, Gita Chapter 10 Verse 2. If the giver of the knowledge of Gita has told one letter 'Om' for his worship, then it is Brahm because the mantra 'Om' is of Brahma. When he (Brahm) himself takes birth and dies, then he cannot say that those who attain me do not have rebirth. Other translators have translated Gita Chapter 8 Verse 16 wrongly. The giver of the knowledge of Gita himself has described his birth and death in many verses of Gita. The immortal God has been described as something other than himself.

I (the author) want to make it clear that our Hindu religious leaders did not understand their holy scriptures Gita, four Vedas, Mahabharata and eighteen Puranas.

Please read my translation of Gita Chapter 8 Verse 16:-

Exact translation of Gita Chapter 8 Verse 16:- O Arjun! (अब्रह्मभुवनात) All the worlds up to Brahmlok (पुनरावर्तिनः) are in recurrence i.e. wherever one has to go and come back to the world, they are like this. (Tu) But (Kaunteya!) O son of Kunti! (Na Vidyate) Those who do not know this (Mam Upetya) even after attaining Me, they are reborn (Punarjanma). The meaning is that those who do not know that even after going to Brahmlok they have to come back, they remain in the cycle of birth and death even after attaining me by worshiping me.

Keep in mind:- In Gita Chapter 6 Verse 23, the word “Vidyat” has been interpreted as “to know” by the same translator. If the meaning of “Vidyate” in this verse 16 is changed to know then the meaning becomes direct. Like Vidya means knowledge. When the giver of Gita knowledge himself says that I have birth and death, then in this Chapter 8 Verse 16, he cannot say that one is not reborn after attaining me. This makes it clear that “Hindu Saheban did not understand Geeta, Vedas, Puranas”.

 🡄 Param Akshar Brahm