
Allah Comes on Earth - Vedas

Exploring Islam: The Quran and the Legacy of Prophet Muhammad / Allah Comes on Earth - Vedas

Allah Comes on Earth - Vedas

Now read in the Ved Mantras that Allah comes on earth. He imparts true knowledge to the devotees. He also grants the knowledge of the true (naam) mantras of worship: -

See Photocopy of Rigved Mandal no. 9 Sukt 54 Mantra 3: -

Interpretation: - You may see in the photocopy of Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 54 Mantra 3; its translation has been done by the scholars of Arya Samaj. It is also clear in their translation that, that God (Tishthati) is seated (Bhoovnopari) on the top of all the brahmands (universes).

Its actual translation is as follows: -

(Ayam) This (SomH Dev) Immortal God, (PunaanH) purifying (Vishwani) everyone (Na) like (SuryaH) sun, (Tishthati) is seated (Bhoovnopari) on the top of all the brahmands.

Meaning: - Like, the sun is above and is benefitting everyone with its light and heat; similarly, this Immortal Supreme God, who has been mentioned in the mantras of the Vedas, sitting on top of all the brahmands, is benefitting all the living beings by His formless power and is operating all the brahmands.

Further there is evidence in the Vedas that the Supreme Lord comes from the upper world. He meets good souls. He imparts complete spiritual knowledge to them by uttering speech from his lotus-mouth. He inspires them to worship. He invents the real mantras of worship. Behaving like a poet on the earth, he moves from place to place. He shows the true path of worship to the righteous people who are engaged in worship.

Now see the photocopies of the Vedas and the interpretation done by the author: -

(See Photocopy of Ved Mantras)

(Evidence - Rigved Mandal No. 9 Sukt 86 Mantra 26-27)

Interpretation: - This photocopy is of Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 86 Mantra 26, which has been translated by the Acharyas of Arya Samaj and the disciples of Maharishi Dayanand, in which it is clear that for those who perform yagya, that is, for the devotees who perform religious rituals, God facilitates all paths, that is, making the path of life's journey free from sorrows and making it easy, He destroys i.e., removes their obstacles i.e., crises. He makes the devotees pure, that is, free from sin, vices. As has been stated in the next Mantra 27 that "The God who is seated in the third part of the Dhyulok i.e., Satyalok; there is a lot of brightness in the body of God there." For example, the light of one hair follicle of God is more than the combined light of crores of suns and moons. If that God appears on the earth in that same luminous body, then we cannot see him with naked eyes. Like, an owl cannot see anything during the day due to sunlight. Similar would be the state of human beings. Therefore, that God, making the brightness of His appearance i.e., body fainter, by walking from that place (where God resides above) and moving like lightning, i.e., moving at the same speed as lightening, comes and meets virtuous men. It is also clear that - “You are KaviH, that is, KavirDev.” We call him Kabir Saheb. Muslims call Him Allahu Akbar.



Interpretation: - This photocopy is of Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 86 Mantra 27. It is clear in this that "God is seated in the third part of Dhyulok i.e., Amar Lok (Immortal Place). Satyalok i.e., the Eternal Place has three parts. One part consists of forests, mountains, waterfalls, gardens etc. This is the outer part. (For example, Delhi, the capital of India, is also divided into three parts. In outer Delhi, there are villages, fields and canals. In the second part, there are markets. In the third part, there is Parliament House and offices.)

After this, there are colonies in Dhyulok. Hansatmas (souls) who have attained salvation live there with their families. (Like the devotees on earth are called Bhaktatmas, similarly, they are called Hansatmas in Satyalok.)

(3) In the top third part is the throne of God. Only male souls live around Him. There are no pairs of male-female there. If they want families of their own, then they only give rise to sons by word-power. In this way, God has divided the Shashvat Sthaan (Eternal Place) i.e., Satyalok into three parts. Those who live anywhere in Satyalok do not have old age. No one dies there. Therefore, it is said in Gita Chapter 7 Verse 29 that those, who strive to get rid of Jaraa i.e., old age and Maran i.e., death, know Tat Brahm, that is, Param Akshar Brahm. They also know that SatyaPurush lives in Satyalok. There is no old age or death there; children on growing up, remain young forever.


(Evidence - Rigved Mandal No. 9 Sukt 82 Mantra 1-2)





Interpretation: - Above are the photocopies of Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 82 Mantra 1-2. These have been translated by the disciples of Maharishi Dayanand as per his guidelines, and have been published from Sarvdeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, Delhi.

It is clear in them that: - It is stated in Mantra 1 - "God who is the creator of all has an effulgent body; He is the destroyer of sins, and showers happiness i.e., is the giver of joys. He is sitting on a throne above in Satyalok. He looks like a King."

The same evidence is given in Sukshm Ved (Kalam-e-Kabir) that: -

Arsh Kursh par safed gumat hai, jahan Parmeshwar ka dera |

Shwet chhatra sir mukut viraaje, dekhat na us chehre nu ||

The same evidence is given in Holy Book Bible and Quran Sharif that God created the universe in six days and sat on the throne above in the sky on the seventh day. (Bible, Book of Genesis - 2/26-30, and Quran Sharif, Surah Furqani 25 Verses 52 to 59.)

That God travels from his Eternal Abode to the earth and verbally delivers the knowledge on earth. He is attained by varniye i.e., respectable, eminent persons; He meets them. {For example, 1. He met Sant Dharmdas ji of Bandhavgarh (Madhya Pradesh), 2. He met Sant Malook Das ji, 3. He met Sant Dadu Das ji in Amer (Rajasthan), 4. He met Sant Nanak Dev ji, 5. He met Garib Das ji of Village Chhudani, District Jhajjar, Haryana, 6. He met Gheesa Das ji of Village Khekhra, District Bagpat (Uttar Pradesh), 7. He met Sant Jambheshwar ji (Founder of Bishnoi religion) of Village Samrathal, Rajasthan, and He met Hazrat Muhammad. That Almighty God has met several virtuous souls in this way.}

That God meets virtuous souls. God is especially attracted to those who are firm devotees of God. An example has also been given that lightning falls on places/objects that attract it, e.g., lightning strikes bronze metal. Earlier, there used to be bowls, glasses, plates, vessels etc of bronze metal. During rain, we used to immediately keep them inside the house. Elderly people used to say that lightning generally strikes bronze utensils; similarly, God gets attracted to His beloved devotees and meets them.

In Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 82 Mantra no. 2, even this has been clarified that God Himself meets great men with the aim of giving Updesh (initiation) to those good souls. The meaning of 'Updesh' is that after imparting Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge) to them, God also gives them initiation. God is Himself their Satguru too. This has also been clarified that God, like a very dynamic substance, that is, travelling at the speed of light, you arrive in our religious rituals. God had said the same thing to Sant Dharmdas that - 'I always go there where religious rituals are performed because in my absence Kaal causes any turmoil. Due to which, the worshippers lose faith in God. In my presence, he cannot cause any such disturbance.' Therefore, it is stated in Gita Chapter 3 Verse 15 that - 'That Immortal God, who has also given rise to Brahm, is always situated in Yagyas, that is, in religious rituals. Prayers should be offered regarding Him only as the deity.'

In this Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 82 Mantra 2, this has also been clarified that - 'You are (Kavirvedhasya) Kavirdev who comes with the aim of giving initiation to everyone. You are Holy God. Destroying our sins, O Eternal God! Give us happiness and (Dyutam VasaanH Nirnijam Pariyasi) we are your children. Arising that same affection towards us, (Pariyasi) acquire that same (Nirnijam) beautiful form; that is, considering us your children, appear to us in the same way as you used to meet your beloved souls previously whenever you wished.”

Now translation of Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 17: -

Translation: - (Shishum Jagyaanm Haryantam) God deliberately i.e., analysing the circumstances, appears in the form of an infant with the aim of imparting Tatvgyan [true spiritual knowledge]. Listening to His knowledge (Maruto Ganen) a very large group of devotees becomes follower of that God.

(Mrjanti Shubhyanti Vahin) Your esoteric knowledge is understood by intellectuals. They worship that Supreme God on the basis of true spiritual knowledge. That worship provides (Vahin) quick benefits. That God (Pavitram Atirebhan) by roaring loudly utters that pure knowledge, His Tatvgyan (Kavyena) through poetry, that is, like poets through couplets, hymns, proverbs, quatrains (Kavir GirbhiH) through Kavir Vaani i.e., Kabir Speech. That (KaviH) Kavirdev who behaves like a poet is (Som) the Eternal God (Sant) who has appeared in the form of a Saint. (Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 17)

Interpretation: - Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 18: -

Translation: - In Mantra 17, it has been said that - 'God, by appearing in the form of a sage or saint, utters the nectar-speech from His lotus-mouth, and a group of a large number of followers is formed after understanding that knowledge. (Ya) The speech of Tatvgyan that God narrates, those (SahansrniyaH) thousand speeches, that is, Kabir Vanis (Rishikrit) composed by the God appeared in sage form (SwarshH) are delightful (Rishimana) for the devotees with sagely nature. (Kavinaam PadviH) Because of uttering couplets, quatrains through poetry, that God also acquires a title of a poet among the famous poets. That (Som) Eternal God (Anurajati) with an effulgent body (Sishaasan) with the desire to sustain everyone, in the first state (Viraajam) is seated (Stup) in a dome (Tritiya Dhaam) in the third abode i.e., in the third part of Satyalok (MahishH) on the vast earth i.e., in the upper loks.' This very evidence is present in Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 54 Mantra 3 that God (Tishthanti) is seated in the lok above all the loks.

Explanation: - Due to the scope of the book, let us only take the information relevant to us from Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 19.




This photocopy is of Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 19. It has been translated by the Aryasamajis, the disciples of Maharishi Dayanand, in which they have written the meaning of "Turiyam" as ‘fourth’ and of "Dhaam" as ‘Parampad Parmatma’ i.e., God. Then the translator has clarified that the great man describes the Turiyam Parmatma i.e., the Fourth God.

Please think: - The meaning of ‘Turiyam’ as ‘fourth’ is correct, but the meaning of ‘Dhaam’ as ‘God’ is wrong. ‘Dhaam’ means ‘place’. Actually, it talks about the fourth abode (Anami Lok). As an example, it has been given the denomination of a sea. Like, rainwater from the sea falls at other places. The source of all that water is the sea. Similarly, Supreme God Kabir, while being seated in the fourth Anami Lok, has created all the other loks and brahmands and souls. Hence, the word sea has been used. There is description of the Fourth Abode (Dhaam) in this mantra. You will read in the ‘Creation of Nature’. You will get complete information from it that the fourth abode from below is the Akah (Anami) Lok. Being seated in this abode, the Supreme God created all the lower abodes (Dhaam / lok). That has been described in this Ved Mantra.

God has created the upper four Loks (places/abodes) as everlasting. 1. Anami Lok which is at the top 2. Agam Lok 3. Alakh Lok 4. Satya Lok.

We are on Planet Earth. If we count the upper loks from here, then they will be counted as 1. Satyalok 2. Alakh Lok 3. Agam Lok and 4. Anami Lok. Sitting in that fourth Lok, God created all the brahmands (universes) and Loks (abode). He did the rest of the creation while sitting in Satyalok. This is the (turiya) fourth Abode. The meaning of the original text of Mantra 19 is that the Tatvdarshi Saint (Vivakti) distinctly describes the Fourth Abode and the Fourth God. Readers may please read "Creation of Nature" in this very book on Page_____, by which you will come to know that the author (Sant Rampal Das) himself is that Tatvdarshi Saint who is familiar with the Tatvgyan (true and complete spiritual knowledge).

Interpretation: - Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 20: -

Marya na shubhraH tanva mrjaanH atyaH na srtva sanye dhanaanaam |

Vrshev yootha pari kosham arshan kanikrdat chamvoH aavivesh || (9:96:20)

Translation: - Like, (MaryaH Na) man wears beautiful clothes; similarly, God (MrjaanH) acquiring (ShubhraH Tanva) a beautiful body (AtyaH Srtva) walking at a fast speed (Sanye Dhanaanaam) comes to meet those rich in earnings of worship i.e., the pious souls. (Yootha Vrshev) Like, a group gets a commander, similarly, when that God appears in the form of a saint or sage, he acquires a large number of followers and God in the form of a Guru is their Chief. That God (Arshan) coming to (Pari Kosham) the first brahmand (Kanikrdat) loudly uttering the true knowledge (Aavivesh) enters (ChamvoH) the region of earth.

Meaning: - As has been said in the previous Ved mantras that the Supreme God resides in the upper world; after moving from there He comes to the earth by simplifying His form i.e., the brilliance of the body, the same has been confirmed in this Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 96 Mantra 20. It has been stated that just as a man puts on clothes, similarly God acquiring another body, comes to earth in a human-form and (dhanaanaam) meets steadfast devotees (virtuous souls) rich in the earnings of worship. He narrates (Tatvgyan) true spiritual knowledge to them by uttering speech. 


(Evidence - Rigved Mandal No. 9 Sukt 95 Mantra 2)




The translation of Rigved Mandal no. 9 Sukt 95 Mantra 2 has been done by the disciples of Maharishi Dayanand, which is mostly correct. Its meaning is that the aforesaid God, that is, the God about whom there is mention in the previous mantras, He (SrjaanH) acquiring a simpler body (Ritasya Pathyam) inspires to tread on the path of true worship i.e., the path of salvation by delivering true spiritual knowledge through his nectar-speech. {This Ved mantra endorses Gita Chapter 4 Verse 32.}

That mantra is such that just as (Aritev Naavam) a boatman making one sit in a boat ferries one across; likewise, God ferries a worshipper across the river of the world through the path of true worship by the boat of naam (mantra). That (Devanam DevH) God of all gods, that is, the Greatest God (Barhishi Prvaachey) for the speech-like Knowledge Yagya (Guhyani Nama Aavishkrnoti) invents secret naams/mantras, meaning like in Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23, in "Om Tat Sat", 'Tat' and 'Sat' are secret mantras which that same Supreme God has only told me (Sant Rampal Das). Complete salvation is only possible by them.

Supreme God has stated in Sukshm Ved that: -

"Sohm" shabd Hum jag mein laaye, Saarshabd Hum gupt chhipaaye |

Meaning: - Supreme God has himself told the "Sohm" shabd for worship. This Sohm mantra is not in any of the ancient scriptures (Vedas, Gita, Quran, Puran and Bible). Then, it is stated in Sukshm Ved that: -

Sohm oopar aur hai, satya sukrit ek naam |
Sab hanso ka jahaan baas hai, basti hai bin thaam ||

Meaning: - God revealed, invented “Sohm” naam, but He had kept Saarshabd a secret. Now He has told it to me (to the author, Sant Rampal), which is told to the disciples at the time of initiation. It is related to the "Om Tat Sat" mentioned in Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23.


(Evidence - Rigved Mandal No. 9 Sukt 94 Mantra 1)



Interpretation: - Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 94 Mantra 1 has also been translated by the scholars of Arya Samaj.

Interpretation: - Keeping the scope of the book in mind, let us prove our opinion from their translation itself. Like, it has been described in the previously mentioned Ved mantras that God narrates Tatvgyan by uttering speech from His lotus-mouth. Because of uttering speech by means of proverbs, through poetry in terms of couplets, hymns, verses, quatrains, He also acquires the title of a poet among the famous poets. His name is Kavirdev i.e., Kabir Sahib (God Kabir).

The same thing has been clarified in this Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 94 Mantra 1 that - 'He, who is the Almighty God, (Kaviyan Vrajam Na) by behaving like poets, wanders on earth.'


(Evidence – Rigved Mandal No. 9 Sukt 20 Mantra 1)



Interpretation: - Even the translation of Rigved Mandal 9 Sukt 20 Mantra 1 has been done by the scholars of Arya Samaj. Its translation is more wrong than right. In its original text, it is written: -

Pra Kavirdev veetye avyaH vaarebhiH arshti saahvaan bishvaH abhi spradhH

Translation: - (Pra) Other than the Giver of the knowledge of Vedas (Kavirdev) is Kavirdev i.e., Supreme God Kabir. He (Arshti) imparts knowledge (VaarebhiH) to supreme souls, scholars, that is, curious people (Veetye) for the fulfilment of wealth of knowledge. He (AvyaH) is immortal, is the protector, (Sahvan) is tolerant, (Abhi) fully condemns, vanquishes (VishvaH) all the evil people, who are devoid of Tatvgyan, (SpradhH) in the competition of spiritual knowledge, that is, in the debate-like war of words.

Important: - (a) If you will look in the photocopy of the translation of this mantra, you will find that the Arya scholars have left the meanings of several words, like - 'Pra', 'VaarebhiH'; due to which the true meaning of Vedas has not been able to come forward.

(b) It is clear from my translation that, that God imparts knowledge to good souls (firm devotees). His name has also been written - "Kavirdev". We call him Supreme God Kabir.

Interpretation: - It is clear from the above evidence that the Supreme God i.e., the Creator is Kabir Allah. It is He who describes the true and complete spiritual knowledge in the Sukshmved {which is Kabir Baani (Kalam-e-Kabir) uttered by Him.} At present, no one in the world has that complete knowledge except Das (Rampal Das). This is not a matter of pride; it is the truth. Human beings (male and female) of all the religions are the personal souls of the same Allah Kabir (Supreme God Kabir). The aim of that God is to cause welfare of all. Here, Shaitan i.e., the devil (Kaal Brahm) has misled everyone. Only the Supreme God comes and shows the true path. Now you may read more information about the same Supreme God that how He disguises himself and reaches the virtuous souls.

 🡄 Complete Spiritual Knowledge Allah Kabir (Al Khidr) met Prophet Muhammad 🡆