
Biography of Prophet Muhammad from Sukshmved

Exploring Islam: The Quran and the Legacy of Prophet Muhammad / Biography of Prophet Muhammad from Sukshmved

Biography of Prophet Muhammad from Sukshmved

Sant Garibdas ji’s Opinion on Prophet Muhammad

Some verses (Muhammad Bodh) from Sadgranth Saheb composed by Sant Garibdas ji

Aisa jaan Muhamad peeram, jin maari gaoo shabd kae teeram |
Shabdae fer jivaai, jin gosat nahin bhaakhya hansa raakhya aisa peer Muhamad bhaai ||2||
Peer Muhamad nahin bahisht sidhaana | peechhae bhoolya hai turkaana ||3||
Gosat khaanhi namaaj gujaarae, so kaho kyoon kari bahisht sidhaaraen ||4||
Ek hi good, ek hi gost, soor gaoo ekae jaati | ekae jeev Saahib koon bhejya, dohoon maen ekae raati ||5||
Ekae chaam ek hi chola, good haad ki kaaya | bhoolya Qaaji kard chalaavae, kadi rab koon furmaaya ||6||
Qaaji kaun kateb tumhaari, na toon Qaaji na toon mullaan | jhootha hai vyaapaari ||7||
Qaaji so jo kajaa nabedae | hakk halaal pichhaane, nyaav karae dar haal duneeka, neer ksheer koon chhaanaen ||8||
Mullaa so jo mool milaavae, dil mahram dil beech dikhaavae ||9||
So mullaa mastaakhi | soto mullaa bahisht sidhaare, aur mullaa sab khaakhi ||10||
Kalma roja bang namaaja, aap allaah farmaaya | rojae rahikar murgi maari, yauh kya panth chalaaya ||11||
Hai roje sae raah niraala, kalma kaal giraasa | kookae bangi buddhi bhisht hai, karo namaaj akaasa ||12|| 

When Prophet Muhammad received prophethood at the age of forty, at that time errors had crept in the Judaism of Moses and in Christianity. Idol worship was also quite prevalent. Prophet Muhammad ji also refuted idol worship. He tried to focus man on one God. Prophet Muhammad Saheb preached another separate path of worship and started calling those who followed that devotional path as Muslims. Later, it took the form of a religion.

Muslim means obedient, that is, that pious soul who does not hurt anyone, does not even touch tobacco, alcohol and meat let alone consuming it, does not even charge interest. He guided the true path and endeavoured to focus every human on one God. For that, he started his own campaign. Muhammad Saheb was an incarnation of Lord Shiv. He was a virtuous Prophet endowed with power, and with a pious soul who came from the world of Shiv. There was power in his words. Whoever listened to his thoughts, became his follower. 

Prophet Muhammad used to tell everyone that whoever kills or torments someone is not a Muslim. Whoever eats meat, drinks alcohol and consumes tobacco will be an evil person. Those who followed this order were called Muslims. The four books (Zaboor, Taurat, Injil and Quran) were ordered to them by Jyoti Niranjan i.e., Kaal Brahm, and Muhammad ji gave the Quran to his followers based on religiousness. 

One day, the Supreme God (Allah) met Muhammad Saheb. The Supreme God gave him Swasam (subtle) Ved (the fifth book) and explained, “The Complete God (Purna Brahm) is Kabir; I myself am that God. The worship that you are doing and getting done is up to Kaal Allah (God). Because of which, you remain in birth and death. You all beings are my soul. I am the father of all of you, the Master of the clan. Impart my knowledge! I alone am Allah Kabir. Tell your followers the knowledge of this Swasam (subtle) Ved and get them liberated from Kaal's trap. You will gain a lot of merit.” Saying this, Supreme God Kabir disappeared. At that time, Muhammad Saheb had suffused his followers with the Book Quran. He used to say that the incorporeal Allah is the supreme power who has given the knowledge of the Quran. There is no god beyond him. He alone is the Master of the lineage, the One Allah. Muhammad Saheb also read the fifth Quran i.e., the fifth Swasam Ved. At that time, he did not know how to say that his knowledge (Quranic knowledge) is not complete. Out of this shame, he did not tell the knowledge of the Sukshm Ved to any Muslim. 

When the Supreme God Himself came again and met him, He said to him, “Muhammad! You are a very good soul. The method of worship that you have given to the devotee society is not complete. I have given you the fifth Quran i.e., Kateb (Sukshm Ved). What did you think about it?” Muhammad Saheb said, “How do I believe you that you are Allah and you are above that Avyakt (Bechoon i.e., Formless Allah)? I will believe if I see with my own eyes.” Supreme God said, “I can make you believe if you listen to my words and support me.” Muhammad Saheb said, “I am ready.”

Supreme God (Allah) said to Muhammad, “Come with me to Satyalok.” Supreme God (Allah Kabir) took the soul of Muhammad Saheb to His place Satyalok. Having gone where, a living being is never reborn. It is called Satlok. Muhammad Saheb came to know that after coming here, the soul does not take birth again. Nonetheless, based on that old knowledge of his and due to the fame he had gained on the earth by acquiring millions of followers over whom he had supremacy and had become prominent, he did not stay in Satlok. He did not believe in the Complete Allah. He did not agree to stay there and came back to the earth. Allah Kabir told him five kalmas (mantras) to chant. He only told one kalma out of them to the congregation - "Allahu Akbar". He did not tell the others which are written in code words in the Quran.

Based on the speech of Garibdas Ji Maharaj

Hum Muhammad ko vahaan (Satlok) le gayo, ichchha roopi vahaan nahin raho |
Ult Muhammad mahal (in the body) pathaaya, gujh beeraj ek kalma laaya |
Roja bang namaaj daee re, bismal kee nahin baat kahee re |
Muhammad ne nahin Eid manaai, gaoo na bismal kitee |
Ek baar kahaa momin Muhammad, taapar aisi beeti |

By the grace of Supreme God Kabir, Muhammad ji acquired some (siddhi) spiritual power. One day, a goat suddenly died in front of Prophet Muhammad. As soon as Prophet Muhammad touched his hand to the carcass of that goat while expressing sympathy and reciting the kalma, the dead goat came back to life. Prophet Muhammad was astounded and understood that by the mercy of that Allah, he had acquired power.

Killing a goat by word power and then resurrecting it

One day, some followers were sitting with Muhammad ji and their sheep and goats were grazing there. A sturdy billy goat was hitting another weaker billy goat. At that time, Prophet Muhammad recited the Kalma (Mantra), due to which the sturdy billy goat died. All the Muslims present there saw that Prophet Muhammad killed the goat by the power of his word. Then the poor person to whom the billy goat belonged started crying, “This pauper had two goats and only one this billy goat.” Then Prophet Muhammad ji said, “O God's servant! Muslim! Do not cry. I will revive your billy goat now.” Muhammad ji got up and went to the billy goat, recited the Kalma and touched it with his hand. Instantly, the goat rose from the dead.

Killing a cow and attempting to resurrect it

All the Muslims noted that day and time down, and Prophet Muhammad ji started receiving praise in the entire Muslim society. Some people started saying, “This is a lie. Does a dead creature ever come back to life?” When Prophet Muhammad became aware of this, he said, “This time I will kill a cow by the power of word and then revive it. Whoever has any doubt, can see for themselves.” A day was nominated for it. A large number of spectators gathered. Prophet Muhammad killed a cow by the power of word. {It is written in a book that the disbelieving opponents said, “We will kill a cow. If he revives it, then we will believe.” “Chaar yaar mil maslit bheeni | gaoo pakad kar bismil keenhin ||" It means that some people held a meeting and after taking a decision, they killed a cow and said, “O Prophet, revive it now.”} All the spectators present there saw that the cow was really dead. Then Prophet Muhammad recited the kalma to revive the cow and also touched it with his hand, but the cow did not revive. Then, to protect his honour, he prayed to his formless Allah and Jibreel etc. angels, but the cow did not revive.

In the end, he began to plead repeatedly with Supreme God Kabir (by saying Yaah Allah- Allahu Kabir) by sometimes facing upwards and sometimes keeping his head on the ground. Then he called upon the same Supreme God from his heart, “O Master of the lineage, Allah Kabir (He alone is called Allahu Akbaru), save my honour.” At that time, the same Supreme God came in a secret form (in word form). He was only visible to Muhammad Saheb, not to others. Allah Kabir resurrected that cow by His power. Muhammad Saheb saw, but Supreme God (SatyaPurush) was not visible to the other spectators. That cow rose from the dead. The viewers were thinking that the cow had been resurrected by Muhammad Saheb. But Muhammad Saheb was convinced that this was beyond his capability. But he did not tell anyone. He was himself quite impressed. The Supreme God (Hakka Kabir / Eternal Kabir) disappeared.

Muhammad Saheb prayed a lot, “O Supreme God, once again appear to me.” But Supreme God did not appear to him again because he had disobeyed the command of the Lord and had not even accepted that he would publicize this fifth book (Swasam-Sukshm Ved) in the devotee society. Muhammad ji kept it hidden with him.

Similar evidence is found in Muhammad's biography that Muhammad Saheb remained inside his house (mosque) for many days. He did not come out for namaz. When the followers called him, Muhammad Saheb said, “You may offer Namaz. I do not want to impose the fifth Kalaam (word of God) on you; I will keep it myself. I have had the command of Allah. I have received a fifth book, but I will not give it to you. I will not put its burden on you.” Saying this, he did not give the knowledge of the Sukshm Ved.

Thereafter, the followers of Muhammad Saheb, after his death, started celebrating that day as a symbol of the power of Prophet Muhammad, the day Muhammad Saheb killed the goat by his word and revived it, and then killed the cow by his word and Supreme God (Sat Kabir i.e., Allahu Kabir) had Himself come and resurrected that cow. But the Supreme God was not visible to others. Therefore, the followers of Prophet Muhammad thought that this cow was revived by Prophet Muhammad only. Muslims remembered those dates on which the cow and the goat were killed and then resurrected. After the death of Muhammad Saheb, Muslims began to (bismil) slaughter cows and goats on those days to commemorate that day. They indeed started killing them but could not resurrect them. From the speech of Garibdas ji: -

Maari gaoo shabd ke teeram, aise hotey Muhammad peeram |
Shabdae fer jeevaai, hansa raakhya maans nahin bhaakhya, aise peer Muhammad bhaai |

Muslims believe that Muhammad Saheb killed the cow by the power of his word and resurrected it. Therefore, it has been explained that – “Muhammad, the Pir of the Muslims, was such a great man. He had resurrected a cow after killing it by his word. If he had to eat its meat, he would not have resurrected it. But Prophet Muhammad ji protected the (hansa) living being, the cow. He gave it life. He did not eat its meat. O Muslim brother! Prophet Muhammad was such a great Pir (saint). When you cannot give life to someone, then you should not take their life either. This is a grave sin.” But the above tradition ensued. At that time, this process had begun in every city to celebrate this auspicious day. Goats and cows were being slaughtered on the fixed day. The severed bodies of those goats and cows were thrown into the forest far from the city and were eaten by vultures, or other wild carnivorous animals. Muslims did not eat their meat. This tradition commenced. It went on fine for many years. Like, nowadays mosques are built everywhere, and mullahs reside there, and they provide religious education. Similarly, at that time many mosques were built at different places, where these Qajis or Mullahs used to reside and impart religious knowledge. They were given a collective order that – “Celebrate this occasion in every town and village. Properly explain the method of worship to your followers.”

How did the practice of eating meat start in Islam

Once, a famine occurred. People were dying from hunger due to the famine. The cow was slaughtered by reciting the Kalma and made halal. Its neck was severed. Its meat was thrown into the forest thinking that wild animals and birds will eat it, we Muslims will not eat it. Because the one who ate meat was considered a sinful person. He was given a severe punishment. There was absolutely no alcohol, meat, or tobacco in the Muslim religion. Due to the famine, people were dying from hunger. At the same time, that festival was celebrated in every village. The cow was slaughtered and thrown into the forest. A few starving Muslims ate the meat of that cow. Others saw them and complaints were made against those meat eaters. There was a commotion in the village that such a sin had been committed. “A Muslim ate meat. That is too much, damn, punish him, throw him out of the village, kill him.” Everyone gathered and the culprits were caught. They were taken to the Mullahs and the Qajis. This type of incident happened in every city and village. A date was set for the hearing of their offence so that the Mullahs and Qajis could seek advice from other Muslims who were the main Mullahs (Qaji, Pir) in other cities.

{It is written in the Taurat book that those people (including Prophet Musa and the ancestors of his followers because the followers of Musa ji were formed from the same community) had special respect for the cow. They did not use to eat the meat of a calf and an ox. They used to worship them. At the time of Muhammad, the number of Jews in every village was also large. (Evidence: Quran Surah Al Baqra-2 Verses no. 67-71)

Note: - Translators have commented in these verses that the descendants of Israel had contracted the disease of the greatness, purity and worship of the cow from the Egyptians, and their neighboring nations. That is why, they began to worship the calf as soon as they left Egypt. Therefore, when the messenger of Kaal who entered in Musa asked his community, that is, the community of Musa (because Musa appeared to be speaking, but it was the angel who used to speak) to slaughter a cow by saying that it is the order of Allah, then they said, “Why is Musa joking? Allah cannot ask to slaughter a cow.”}

Complaints from all around came to the chief Mullah or Qaji. Thousands of people were found guilty. At that time, it was decided that all these should not be given capital punishment. (A person who ate meat was given death penalty.) A unanimous decision was made that – “Go and order that the cow's meat had become holy by reciting the kalma and they are not guilty by eating it because it had become (prasaad) blessed food. Hence, they should be forgiven. They should not be given death penalty. If, otherwise, anyone kills any creature by oneself and eats its meat, he will be guilty. The cow which had been slaughtered had a Kalma recited on it, by which its meat had become sacred and had become (prasaad) blessed. So, it was not a sin to eat it.” It had become necessary to defend it at the time. Therefore, the great men of that time (the chiefs of the Muslims) had thought well, but later it became the cause of an evil. The word spread everywhere that if someone eats the meat of a cow or goat that has been (bismil) slaughtered while reciting a kalma, then it is eaten in the form of (prasaad) blessed food, and one will not incur any sin for it. Now this sinful act has taken the form of religion. Even those Maulvis could not refute it. Likewise, the day of slaughtering the goat, which is celebrated as Bakrid, also came during the same famine. This incident happened in that too, and the culprits were acquitted after taking the above decision.

Due to special circumstances, this terrible evil started in such a holy religion. (Prophet Muhammad and his one lakh eighty thousand followers never consumed meat, alcohol or tobacco, nor ordered to do so.) Now it can be ended with special discretion and consideration. Even today, Muslims say about alcohol that even if a drop of alcohol falls on any part of the body, then cut off the flesh from that part of the body and throw it away. It is so impure. Similarly, all these three evils (meat, alcohol, tobacco) were said to be equally terrible, but in the time to come, the consumption of tobacco was in full swing, and meat was being eaten as (prasaad) blessed food in Muslim society. But they are still untouched by alcohol. Even today, Muslims do not consume alcohol.

The Actual Definition of Sacrifice

It has become a special tradition that goat and cow are sacrificed in the name of God. (Now, here people should think that sacrifice should be done of oneself, not of the goat, cow or the chicken in the name of God. Actually, sacrifice is surrendering oneself at the feet of God and to do true worship. Salvation is not attained by beheading oneself or by performing worship contrary to the injunctions of the scriptures. This is a maze of Kaal. Sacrifice is not done by beheading, but by surrendering oneself. One should surrender oneself wholeheartedly to God that - O God! My body is yours; my wealth is yours; this slave is also yours; God likes this sacrifice. God never likes violence or killings.)

 🡄 The Story of Rabia Al-Khidr 🡆