
Information about Dissolution

Exploring Islam: The Quran and the Legacy of Prophet Muhammad / Information about Dissolution

Information about Dissolution

Information About Pralay (Dissolution)

Pralay means 'Dissolution (destruction)'. It is of two types – (Aanshik Pralay) Partial Dissolution and (Mahapralay) Great Dissolution.

(Aanshik Pralay) Partial Dissolution

It is of two types. One, at the end of the fourth era (Kaliyug), the tenth incarnation named NiHkalank, who is also called Kalki, appears on the earth. He will eliminate all the devotionless human beings of that time (Kaliyug) by killing them with his sword. At that time, the maximum age of a human being will be 20 years, but actually, it will be 5 years less, that is, in 15 years everyone will go through childhood-youth-old age and die. A five-year-old girl will give birth to children. Human height will be about one and a half or two and a half feet. At that time, there would be so many earthquakes that it would not be possible to build even a four-foot high building on earth. All human beings will live in burrows dug in the ground. The land will not be fertile. Three cubits (about four and a half feet) down to the bottom, the fertile element of the land will be exhausted. There will be no fruitful tree and the Peepal tree will not bear any leaves. All human beings (male and female) will be meat-eaters. Interpersonal behaviour will be extremely bad. People will ride bears. The bear will be a good vehicle of that time. Due to pollution of the environment, there will no rain. As dew falls, so it will rain. Rivers like Ganga-Yamuna etc. will also dry up. This will be the end of Kaliyug. At that time, there will be a (Pralay) Dissolution (there will be only water everywhere on the earth). There will be so much rain that there will be hundreds of feet of water on the whole earth. A few humans will remain alive at very high places. This water will dry up in hundreds of years. Then forests will grow all over the land. The earth will become fertile again. The environment will become pure again due to the abundance of forests (trees). Some people who will be endowed with bhakti (devotion) will remain alive in high places. They will have children. Those children will be of very high stature. Because of the purification of the atmosphere, the body will become extremely healthy. The parents will be of short stature and the children will be of high stature (body). After some time, the height of the parents and the children in their youth will be equal. At that time the atmosphere will be completely pure. Thus, this will be the beginning of Satyug. This (Aanshik Pralay) Partial Dissolution on the earth is done by Jyoti Niranjan (Kaal).

Second Partial Dissolution

The Second Partial Dissolution occurs after one thousand (four eras) Chaturyugas. Then one day of Shri Brahma ji ends. For the same number of Chaturyugas, there is night. The dissolution lasts for one night. [Actually, one day of Shri Brahma ji is of 1008 Chaturyugas. The reign of fourteen Indras is completed in one day of Brahma ji. The reign period of one Indra is of seventy-two Chaturyugas. There are four yugas in a Chaturyug:-

  1. Satyug which is of 17 lakh 28 thousand years.
  2. Treta Yug which is of 12 lakh 96 thousand years.
  3. Dwapar Yug which is of 8 lakh 64 thousand years.
  4. Kalyug which is of 4 lakh 32 thousand years.

There are total 43 lakh 20 thousand years of the four Yugas. To make it easy to calculate, calculation is done with Chaturyug. One day of Brahma is of one thousand and eight Chaturyugas. It is counted in round numbers as one thousand Chaturyugas.}

When the day of Brahma ends, all the living beings of Earth, (Patal Lok) Netherworld and Heaven (Indra Lok) get destroyed. The living beings destroyed in the Dissolution are made unconscious and secretively put in the (lok) world of Brahm i.e. Kaal who resides in Brahm Lok, who does not manifest himself to anyone and who has been assumed to be (Avyakt) unmanifested, that Avyakt (Brahm). Then on the completion of the night of Brahma which is of the duration of one thousand Chaturyugas (actually, it is of 1008 Chaturyugas), the work of genesis again commences in these three worlds (Etherworld-Earth-Heaven). At that time, the living beings of the worlds of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv and that of Brahm Lok (Mahaswarg) remain safe. This was the second type of (Aanshik Pralay) Partial Dissolution.

Mahapralay (Great Dissolution)

It is of three types.

First Mahapralay

Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan) performs it at the end of a Mahakalp when Brahma ji dies. [Age of Brahma = a night of Brahma is of the duration of one thousand Chaturyugas and similar is the duration of a day. One month is of thirty days and nights; one year is of 12 months; the life of one Brahma is of hundred years. This is called a Mahakalp].

Second (Mahapralay) Great Dissolution

After the death of seven Brahma ji, one Vishnu ji dies, and after the death of seven Vishnu ji, one Shiv dies. This is called Divine Mahakalp, in which Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv, all the living beings of their worlds, and all the creation in (Swarg Lok) Heaven, (Patal Lok) Netherworld, (Mrityu Lok) Earth etc, and the livings beings in them get destroyed. At that time only Brahm Lok remains, in which this Kaal God (Jyoti Niranjan) and Durga live in three forms as MahaBrahma-MahaSavitri, MahaVishnu-MahaLakshmi and MahaShankar-MahaDevi (Parvati) by creating three Loks. In this Brahm Lok, a (Mahaswarg) Great Heaven has been created, in which living beings who have attained the fourth salvation reside. {Souls like Sage Markandey, Sage Rumi who have attained the fourth salvation and who are called Brahm Leen (merged into Brahm) are beyond the range of divine vision of the worshippers of the three worlds here. The sages of Heaven, Earth and Netherworld cannot see them. Therefore, they consider them to (Brahm Leen) have merged into Brahm. But they go to the Great Heaven built in Brahm Lok.}

Then at the beginning of the Divine MahaKalp, Lord Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan) re-creates the universe below Brahm Lok. Lord Kaal through intercourse with his Prakriti (Maya-Aadi Bhavani) in the form of MahaSavitri, MahaLakshmi and MahaDevi (Gauri) gives birth to his three sons (Rajgun Brahma, Satgun Vishnu, Tamgun Shiv). This Kaal Lord makes them unconscious with his power. Then he places all three of them at different places like Brahma ji on a lotus flower, Vishnu ji on the bed of Shesh Naag in the sea, Shiv ji on Mount Kailash. Then he brings them back to consciousness in turn. They are ordered to churn the ocean through Prakriti (Durga). Then this Mahamaya (Original Prakriti / Sheranwali) makes her three forms and hides them in the ocean. She reveals three girls (young goddesses). The three children (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv) marry these three goddesses. He gives three departments, one each to his three sons - the task of creation to Brahma ji, the task of preservation (nurturing) to Vishnu ji and the task of destruction (killing) to Shiv ji, due to which the creation of Kaal (Brahm) begins again, which has also been described in the Holy Puranas. For instance, there is a detailed description in Shiv Mahapuran, Brahm Mahapuran, Vishnu Mahapuran, Mahabharat, Sukh Sagar, Devi Bhagvad Mahapuran, and it has also been briefly stated in Gita Chapter 14 Verses 3 to 5.

Third (Mahapralay) Great Dissolution

When Trilokiye Shiv (Tamogun son of Kaal) dies 70 thousand times in one brahmand, then there is (pralay) destruction of one brahmand and Kaal (MahaShiv), who resides at all three places in Brahmlok, also renounces his body of MahaShiv. Thus, this was the dissolution of one brahmand i.e. the Third Great Dissolution and at that time one Brahmlokiye Shiv (Kaal) died and 70,000 (seventy thousand) Trilokiye Shiv (son of Kaal) died i.e. the living beings of all the loks (worlds) including Brahm lok built in one brahmand get destroyed. This time is called one Yug (era) of ParBrahm i.e. Akshar Purush. In this way, the meaning of Gita Chapter 8 Verse 16 should be understood.

"Similarly, there are three divine great dissolutions"

First (Divya MahaPralay) Divine Great Dissolution

When one hundred (100) Brahmlokiye Shiv (Kaal-Brahm) die, then the living beings of 20 brahmands built in the four Mahabrahmands are destroyed.

There is creation only in one Mahabrahmand. When there is (Pralay) destruction in one Mahabrahmand, then creation begins in the other Mahabrahmand. In the end, there is (Pralay) destruction in the 20 brahmands of all the four Mahabrahmands.

Then Kaal Brahm keeps the (hansaatmas) virtuous beings of all the four Mahabrahmands in the fake Satyalok etc. loks (worlds) built in the twenty-first brahmand, and puts other beings unconscious in the other four secret places built in the same world. At that time, he satisfies his hunger by eating the living beings from the same fake Satyalok. He makes the living beings that he eats daily unconscious and keeps putting them in the four secret places built in the same twenty-first brahmand. There also Jyoti Niranjan assumes his three forms (MahaBrahma, MahaVishnu and MahaShiv) and continues to perform the divine act of his birth and death in the form of Shiv formed there, thereby keeping the time fixed and attains death a hundred times, due to which the duration of one hundred yugas of ParBrahm is completed in the twenty-first brahmand. After that, he commences the work of creation within the four Mahabrahmands. {In that one creation, the creation lasts till the age of hundred Brahmlokiye Shiv (Kaal) i.e. one hundred yugas/eras of ParBrahm, and for the same time there is (Pralay) dissolution; that is, the sequence of one Divya MahaPralay (Divine Great Dissolution) which is performed by Kaal is completed in two hundred yugas/eras of ParBrahm (because in one Yug of ParBrahm, one Brahmalokiye Shiv i.e. Kaal dies).} This Kaal i.e. Brahm is called the First Avyakt (in Gita Chapter 7 Verses 24-25). The Second Avyakt is ParBrahm and even beyond this, another Sanatan (Eternal) Avyakt is Purna Brahm (Supreme God); understand this to be the meaning of Gita Chapter 8 Verse 20.

Second (Divya Mahapralay) Divine Great Dissolution

After this above-mentioned Mahapralay (Great Dissolution) has happened five times, there is a Second Divine Great Dissolution. ParBrahm (Avigat Purush / Akshar Purush) performs the Second Divine Great Dissolution. In it, along with Kaal i.e. Brahm (Kshar Purush), all the 21 brahmands are destroyed in which the three worlds (Heaven, Earth and Nether World), Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv and Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan / Omkar Niranjan) and the livings beings of their (loks) worlds (Brahm Lok) i.e. of all the other 21 brahmands are destroyed.

Important: - After the death of seven Trilokiye Brahma, one Trilokiye Vishnu ji dies and after the death of seven Vishnu, one Trilokiye Shiv dies. After the death of 70,000 (seventy thousand) Trilokiye Shiv, one Brahmlokiye Shiv i.e. Kaal (Brahm) dies after one yug (era) of ParBrahm. One day of ParBrahm (Akshar Purush) is of the duration of one thousand such yugas and the night is of the equal duration. When the nighttime of Akshar Purush starts, Prakriti (Durga) along with Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan) i.e. Brahm and the living beings of his twenty-one brahmands get destroyed. Then a day of the duration of one thousand yugas of ParBrahm (Second Avyakt) ends. After a night of the same duration has passed, (Purna Brahm) Supreme God again makes Brahm appear. Understand the meaning of Gita Chapter 8 Verse 17 in this way. But the boundaries (consider it a circular wall) of the brahmands and the Mahabrahmands and the lokas built in them do not end. Then after the same period of time, Supreme God (SatyaPurush) again gives rise to Kaal and Maya (Prakati Devi) on the basis of the sequence of creation predetermined by Him and He also creates all those living beings, who are prisoners of Kaal, in bodies according to their deeds as per the law of the sequence of creation and it seems that ParBrahm is creating them.

{Gita Chapter 15 Verse 17 should be remembered here, in which it is said that the Supreme God is someone else who is actually the imperishable God, who enters the three worlds and sustains everyone, and in Gita Chapter 18 Verse 61 it is said that the Omniscient Supreme God revolves all beings like a machine based on their deeds, and is situated in the heart of every living being.

The readers of Gita will again be confused that in Gita Chapter 15 Verse 15, Kaal (Brahm) says that I am situated in the heart of all living beings, and I am the giver of all knowledge, reasoning and the Vedas.

Kaal God resides in the form of MahaShiv along with MahaParvati (Durga) in the heart lotus, and the Supreme God also lives in an indistinguishable form with the soul, just as air resides with smell; both have an indistinguishable relationship, but there is a difference of some qualities. There is also a detailed description in Gita Chapter 2 Verses 17 to 21. In this way, (Purna Brahm) Supreme God also resides in the heart of every living being with the soul, like the sun even though is at a far away place, the effect of its heat and light is indistinguishable from every living being. The place of the soul is also the heart.

Important: - The destruction of one Mahabrahmand takes place after 100 years of ParBrahm. For the same number of years, there is a (Pralay) dissolution in a Mahabrahmand.

Know Kaal i.e. Brahm (Jyoti Niranjan) like a pillar of air (sandstorm) that is visible to a great height in the sky in summers in the regions of Rajasthan, Haryana etc, and it moves while spinning around. It is short-lived. But smell is present indistinguishably with air. Similarly, understand the subtle relationship between the soul and the Supreme God. In a similar manner, consider the sequence of all (Pralay) Dissolution and (Mahapralay) Great Dissolutions to be definitely happening from the Supreme God (Satyapurush, KavirDev) alone. At the end of one thousand yugas, which is the night of ParBrahm, Kaal’s (Jyoti Niranjan) creation begins again according to the law of time set by the word power of (Satya Purush) Eternal God KavirDev. Akshar Purush (ParBrahm) by the order of (Purna Brahm / Satpurush) Supreme God sends Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan) and Maya (Prakati i.e. Durga) along with all the living beings to the twenty-one brahmands of Kaal and according to the law made by the (Purna Brahm) Supreme God, other creation in all the brahmands is done by the grace of Lord Kabir. The Supreme God alone creates the radiant bodies over the subtle bodies of Maya (Prakati) and Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan), and Brahm (Kaal) in association with his wife Durga (Prakati) does the rest of the creation. Niranjan creates the rest of the places with the five elements. Then the creation done by Kaal (Jyoti Niranjan i.e. Brahm) begins. Thus, this ParBrahm is called the Second Avyakt (unmanifested).}

Third (Divya Mahapralay) Divine Great Dissolution

As you have read in the above-mentioned description that after the death of seventy thousand characters of Shiv of Kaal (Brahm), one Brahm (Mahashiv) dies; that time is one yug (era) of ParBrahm. Regarding this only, in Gita Chapter 2 Verse 12, Chapter 4 Verses 5 and 9, in Chapter 10 Verse 2, God, the knowledge-giver of Gita, is saying that I too have birth and death. I have had several births, which the deities (including Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv) and even the great sages do not know, because they all have originated from me. In Gita Chapter 4 Verse 9 he says that my birth and actions are divine. In one yug (era) of ParBrahm, Kaal God relinquishes the body of SadaShiv and again sits in other three forms in another brahmand. He performs this divine act himself. One day of ParBrahm is of the duration of one thousand yugas, so is the night. One month of thirty days and nights, one year of twelve months and one hundred years is the age of ParBrahm (Second Avyakt). At that time, ParBrahm (Akshar Purush) dies. This is called the Third (Divya Mahapralay) Divine Great Dissolution.

In the Third Divine Great Dissolution, all brahmands (universes) and und (elliptical region) in which twenty-one brahmands of Brahm (Kaal) and seven sankh (700 quadrillion) brahmands of ParBrahm and innumerable other brahmands will undergo destruction. Dhundhukaar's conch shell will sound. All the unds (elliptical regions) and brahmands (universes) will undergo destruction, but that third divine great dissolution will happen after a long time. Achint, the son of SatPurush, will perform that third (divine) great dissolution by the order of his father, Supreme God (Purna Brahm / Satpurush) as per the law of the sequence of creation predetermined by the Supreme God (Purna Brahm), and then the Creation of Nature will take place. But the hans (devotees free from vices / evil-less souls) who have gone to Satlok will not come again in birth and death. Thus, neither Akshar Purush (ParBrahm) is immortal, nor Kaal Niranjan (Brahm) is immortal, nor Brahma (Rajgun), Vishnu (Satgun), Shiv (Tamagun) are immortal. Then how can their worshippers attain complete salvation? That is, never. Therefore, one should worship (Purna Brahm) Supreme God, by whose worship the soul goes to Satlok (Amarlok / Eternal Place). Then one never dies; one becomes completely liberated. That Supreme God (Purna Brahm- KavirDev) is the Third Sanatan Avyakt (Eternal Unmanifested), who is mentioned in Gita Chapter 8 Verses 20, 21. This is what is mentioned in Gita Chapter 15 Verses 16-17.

Verse 16: - In this world, two (Purushs) Gods, one Kshar Purush (Jyoti Niranjan - Kaal Brahm) and the other Akshar Purush (ParBrahm) and all the living beings of their worlds are perishable. Everyone's soul is immortal. Then it is said in Gita Chapter 15 Verse 17 that, in reality, Purushottam i.e., Supreme God is other than the above-mentioned Kshar Purush and Akshar Purush who is called Parmatma, who entering the three worlds, sustains everyone. He is truly immortal.

Amar karoon Satlok pathaoon, taatain Bandi Chhor kahaoon 

The evidence of the same Complete God (the immortal God) is in Gita Chapter 2 Verse 17, Chapter 3 Verses 14, 15, Chapter 7 Verses 13, 19 & 29,  in Chapter 8 Verses 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 20, 21, 22, in Chapter 13 Verses 12 to 17 and 22 to 24, 27 to 28, 30-31 and 34 and in Chapter 4 Verses 31-32, Chapter 5 Verses 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 24-26, in Chapter 6 Verses 7 and 19-20, 25 to 27 and also in Chapter 18 Verses 46, 61, 62 and 66, special evidence has been given that by going in the shelter of that Complete God, a soul never undergoes birth and death again.

{Important: - To understand the web of Kaal, keep this description in mind that there is one Shiv ji in the (Trilok) three worlds. He is the son of this Kaal and dies after the death of 7 Trilokiye Vishnu ji and 49 Trilokiye Brahma ji. Similarly, Kaal God also resides in the form of Mahashiv in the Brahmlok built in one brahmand. In order to maintain the timing of the sequence of creation according to the law of time made by the Supreme God, this Brahmlok's Mahashiv (Kaal) also attains death. When 70,000 (seventy thousand) Trilokiye Shiv, son of Brahm Kaal, die, then one Brahmlokiye Shiv (Brahm / Kshar Purush) is subjected to death and birth as per the time set by the Supreme God. This time of death of Brahmlokiye Shiv (Brahm / Kaal) is one yug (era) of ParBrahm (Akshar Purush). Therefore, it is said in Gita Chapter 2 Verse 12, Gita Chapter 4 Verse 5, Gita Chapter 10 Verse 2 that you and I have had many births. I know, you do not know. My births are supernatural (amazing].

Remarkable example: - Respected Garibdas Saheb ji was born in 1717 (Samvat 1774) from the womb of Mother Rani ji at Shri Balram ji's house and lived for 61 years in village Chhudani district Jhajjar, and in the year 1778 (Vikrami Samvat 1835), he passed away. Even today, there is a memorial built in his memory where his body was graciously buried in the ground. Six months later, acquiring the same body, respected Garibdas Saheb ji, went to Bhumad Saini, a disciple from his former body, in Saharanpur city (Uttar Pradesh) and after staying with him for 35 years, passed away again. Both Hindus and Muslims became his disciples there. Today, a memorial is built there too in his memory. Location: - In Saharanpur city, Kalsia road originates from Chilkana road. After walking half a kilometre on Kalsia road, this unique sacred monument exists on the left-hand side, and it also has an inscription on it which is a clear evidence. Baba Laldas ji's (Baada) enclosure is also built next to it.

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