
Worship in the Aadi Sanatan Panth

Exploring Islam: The Quran and the Legacy of Prophet Muhammad / Worship in the Aadi Sanatan Panth

Worship in the Aadi Sanatan Panth

Worship in the Aadi Sanatan Panth i.e., Yatharth (Real) Kabir Panth

In the Aadi Sanatan Panth, along with the spiritual practice (above-mentioned five yagyas) of the aforesaid scriptures (four Vedas and Gita) of the Sanatan Dharm (present-day Hindu religion), one has to also chant the three mantras (Om Tat Sat) mentioned in Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23. The spiritual practice by which the cycle of birth and death ends forever, and the greatest heaven (Satlok) is attained. Where there is only (Jannat) heaven everywhere. There is no hell (Jahannam). To tell about this way of worship, the Supreme God (Almighty Allah) himself comes on the earth and in the other regions of Kaal Lok. There are three mantras [Om (ॐ), Tat and Sat] in Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23: -

Original Text :- ॐ (Om), Tat, Sat iti nirdeshH brahmanH trividhH smritH |
BraahmanaaH ten veda ch yagyaaH ch vihitaH pura ||23||

Meaning: - It is said in the Gita that Om (ॐ), Tat, Sat, this is a mantra of three (naam) mantras for the worship of (BrahmanH) Sachidanand Ghan Brahm i.e., the Almighty God, the Creator. (TrividhH SmritH) The method of its remembrance has been described in three ways. In the beginning of the creation, the learned (BraahmanaH) worshippers of the Aadi Sanatan Panth used to do spiritual practice based on this alone. This mantra is clearly written in the Sukshm Ved. Om is clear in the Gita, the other two are symbolic (in code words). {In fact ‘ॐ’ is also symbolic. "Om" is a clear (naam) mantra. Its symbol (code) is ‘ॐ’. Kaal Brahm has advised this to be of his worship. Therefore, the sages understood that "ॐ" is the code word (symbolic word) of Om mantra.} The knowledge of the Sukshm Ved was given by God Himself. Based on the complete way of worship written in that Sukshm Ved, Brahmins i.e., worshippers were formed, and on the basis of that very Sukshm Ved, the law of (YagyaaH) religious rituals was made.

The four Vedas contain Incomplete Knowledge

The four Vedas are a part (incomplete knowledge) of the same Sukshm Ved. Kaal Brahm (the giver of the knowledge of Gita, the giver of the knowledge of Quran and Bible) has deliberately given incomplete knowledge in them so that all the human beings remain trapped in his web. The sages, considering the incomplete knowledge of the four Vedas to be complete, used to do spiritual practice according to this. No one escaped the Kaal’s web. No one’s cycle of birth and death ended. Due to which, the sages (worshippers) started doing severe penance through hathyog, by which (siddhis) spiritual powers appeared in them. By exhibiting those spiritual powers, they earned fame and became venerable among the public. They have been to heaven, hell and are suffering in the eighty-four lakh types of species of animals and birds etc. The Sukshm Ved, which was told in the beginning of the creation, went on for years. Then it disappeared. Natural conditions become the reason. Then the knowledge of the Vedas also did not remain prevalent. The sages also renounced the spiritual practice of the Vedas and after attaining (siddhis) spiritual powers by doing hathyog, engaged in a competition to show more power than each other, because the way of worship mentioned in the Vedas does not lead to the attainment of God.

God is Corporeal

The Lord (Kaal Brahm), whom the sages used to worship as their favourite deity or are worshipping at present, has vowed (pledged) not to appear before anyone. Therefore, the sages believed God to be formless; whereas, in the four Vedas, God has been written as corporeal, having a form (body) like a human being. (Readers may see the photocopies of the mantras of the Vedas in this very book in the chapter "Who gave the complete spiritual knowledge?".) Similarly, even in the Bible and the Quran Majeed, God has been described as corporeal, in a human-like form (body). All those who read the Bible and the Quran also consider God formless. They have not understood the scriptures properly.

Mantra of worship of Supreme God is Om Tat Sat or Aen Seen Kaaf

Kaal Brahm (Jyoti Niranjan) has clearly stated the (naam) mantra ‘Om’ of his worship in the Vedas and the Gita, but he wrote the mantra, by which the Complete God (Almighty God) is attained, in code words (symbolic words) ॐ, Tat, Sat.  {‘ॐ’ this letter is actually "Om". Here (in Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23) he wrote vaguely "ॐ" while in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 13 and Yajurved Chapter 40 Mantra 15, he clearly wrote ‘Om’.} He (Kaal Brahm) alone has also written the three mantras in code words in the Quran, Surah Ash Shura-42, Verse no. 2. He did not even tell his mantra correctly in the Quran. He has indeed written in the Vedas that only Param Akshar Brahm i.e., (Kaadar) Almighty Allah Kabir invents and reveals the coded (naam) mantras of true worship. I, humble servant (Rampal Das), have the actual mantras of the secret naams disclosed by that Almighty Allah Kabir. I have been made aware of these three naams which are as follows:-

"Aen" is the letter of the Arabic alphabet, which is the "अ" of Devanagari. "Seen" is the letter of the Arabic alphabet, which is the "स" of Devanagari and "Kaaf" is the letter of the Arabic alphabet which is the "क" of Devanagari. For example, the first letter of the Om (Aum) mantra is "अ" (A). Hence, the letter "Aen" signifies "Om" (Aum).

Tat :- This symbolic mantra is written in the Gita. The first letter of its actual mantra is "स" (S). Therefore, the letter "Seen" refers to that alone. The third is "Sat" mantra; the first letter of its actual mantra is "क" (K). Hence, the letter "Kaaf" refers to it. In fact, "ॐ" is also symbolic. Its actual mantra (naam) is ‘Om’. But the knowledge of the letter "ॐ" was also revealed by Almighty God Kabir to the sages by appearing in the form of Sage Sat Sukrit in Satyug. He had told that the letter "ॐ" is "Om"; this is also called "Pranav".

Aen, Seen, Kaaf in the Quran, Surah Ash Shura-42 Verse no. 2 are the same as Om, Tat, Sat of Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23.

All sins are destroyed by chanting this naam (mantra) of three mantras. The punishment of one’s deeds ends. Premature death is avoided. Diseases and worries are eliminated. A devotee who chants them, while following all the rules, leads a happy life in this Kaal’s Lok as well as after death immediately goes to that greatest heaven (Satlok, the ocean of happiness) where there is no hell (Jahannam), and where old age and death do not occur. One always remains happy. There is a similar creation (world) in Satlok like here. This is perishable; that Satlok is eternal.

Important: The sages and other worshippers, who perform the above-mentioned religious practice of the Sanatan Dharm, which is mentioned in the Gita and the Vedas, go to Brahmlok (the great heaven of Kaal) i.e., Mahaswarg. Those worshippers who worship the five deities like Shri Vishnu ji and Shri Shankar ji as told by Aadi Shankaracharya and worship other gods and goddesses, they go to the heaven (jannat) built in the world of those deities. Thereafter, they immediately go to hell. Then, after taking other births on earth, they remain unhappy, and they also suffer in the lives of Pitra, ghosts etc. Those who go to Mahaswarg (Brahm Lok), their period of salvation is longer, but from there also they have to take birth on earth. They also suffer in the births of Pitra, ghost etc., and in the births of animals, birds, insects and other creatures. They certainly go to hell too.

Those devotees, who are limited to the knowledge of the Bible (Taurat, Zaboor and Injil) and the Quran, and who follow the spiritual practice mentioned in these books, cannot even go to heaven.

Example: - Baba Adam ji was their most prominent prophet. The spiritual practice which Adam ji performed, the same spiritual practice is being performed by the children of Hazrat Adam i.e., everyone from Hazrat Adam to Hazrat Muhammad and their followers. Hazrat Adam was sitting in the middle of Jannat and Jahannam i.e., Heaven and Hell. That place is called Pitra Lok. Prophet Muhammad gave an eye-witnessed account that Baba Adam was sometimes laughing, and sometimes crying. He was leading a restless life. This clarifies that, that place cannot be heaven (Jannat) where there is both happiness and sorrow.

The topic being discussed was that if Hazrat Muhammad (Salal.) is not a Baakhabar, then how does Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, who is a non-Muslim (person belonging to another religion), prove to be a Baakhabar?

Now Muslim brothers and sisters may decide for themselves whether Sant Rampal ji is the Baakhabar or not; whether he is a true prophet or not. From Hazrat Adam to Hazrat Muhammad and all the sages and gods, Shri Ramchandra, Shri Krishna etc. were prophets (message bearers) of what level.

The knowledge given by (Kaadar) Almighty Kabir God, has been described by the prophet sent by Him, Garibdas Ji Maharaj Ji, in this way: -

Speech of ‘Sumran Ka Ang’ from Amar Granth

Garib, aisa avigat Ram hai, aadi ant nahin koee |
Vaar paar keemat nahin, achal hirambar soee ||1||
Garib, aisa abigat Ram hai, kaadar aap kareem |
Meera maalik meharbaan, ramta Ram raheem ||5||
Garib, dou deen madhi ek hai, Alah alekh pichhaan |
Naam nirantar leejiye, bhagti het ur aan ||12||
Garib, Ram ratat nahi dheel kar, hardam naam uchaar |
Amee maha ras peejiye, yoh tat baaram baar ||21||
Garib, koti gaoo je daan de, koti jagya jonaar |
Koti koop teerath khaney, mitey nahin jam maar ||22||
Garib, kotik teerath brat karee, koti gaj karee daan |
koti ashv biprau diye, mitae na khaincha taan ||23||
Garib, aisa nirmal naam hai, nirmal karey shareer |
Aur gyaan mandleek hai, chakvae gyaan Kabir ||38||
Garib, naam bina soona nagar, parya sakal mein sor |
Loot na lootee bandagi, ho gaya hansa bhor ||99||
Garib, agam nigam koon khoji le, buddhi vivek vichaar |
Uday ast ka raaj dae, to bina naam begaar ||100||
Garib, bhagti bina kya hot hai, bharm rahya sansaar |
Rati kanchan paaya nahin, Ravan chalti baar ||105||

In the aforesaid speeches of Sumran Ke Ang, Sant Garibdas ji has told that worship of God, recitation of Satnam i.e., the true devotional mantras, gives full benefits. Doing other religious activities instead of chanting the naam (mantra) is not the means of attaining complete salvation. One gets other spiritual benefits.

Meaning: - Speech (Verse) No. 1, 5 :- Ram (God) has no (aadi) birth or (ant) death. He cannot even be evaluated to know how great He is. His every action and power is boundless i.e., immeasurable. He (Kaadar) is Almighty, (Kareem) Merciful. He himself performs all the tasks. He is the Master (Lord) of all. He is the (Rahim) Merciful God (Ramta Ram) who travels everywhere. (1, 5)

Speech no. 12: - There is only one God of both the religions (Muslim and Hindu religion). Call him Ram or Rahim Khuda. Chant His name with true devotion. (12)

Speech no. 21: - (Ram Ratat) Start chanting the name of Allah without delay i.e., after taking initiation from the Complete Guru (Pir), chant the two words of that Satnaam (hardam) in every breath. Drink this juice of devotional worship, that is, (Tat) this is (nij) special spiritual practice. Do it again and again with the breath. (21)

Speech no. 22: - If one did not chant the actual mantras of the symbolic naam (words) “Aen. Seen. Kaaf” mentioned in Quran Majeed Surah Ash Shura-42 Verse 2, then no matter how many meritorious deeds one may perform, the (Jam maar) punishment given by the (Yamdoot) messengers of Yam (god of death) will not end by it, that is, one will go to Yamraj and bear punishment in the hell. As has been mentioned in the Puranas that by donating a milch cow to a Brahmin, the donor gets a lot of merit. He will get to drink milk in the heaven. If one did not chant the (naam) mantra of Ram (God), then even if one donates (koti / crore) millions of (gaoo) cows, or performs millions of (jag jaunaar) religious rituals, or one gets millions of wells dug (charitable work to provide drinking water), or one gets millions of ponds dug for pilgrimages, or one observes millions of (rozas) fasts, or visits millions of places of pilgrimage, or donates millions of elephants or horses to Brahmins, the cycle of birth and death cannot end with all these religious activities. One will have to go to hell too. One will also obtain the fruits of these religious activities on the earth. One will get the comforts of heaven for some time, but one will have to also suffer in the bodies of other living beings. One will have to also burn in the fire of (dojakh) hell. (22)

Speech no. 23 :- That (mantra) naam of three mantras of (Ram) God is so pure (sacred) that slashing all the sins of the worshipper, it purifies his soul. The other spiritual knowledge which is present in the four Vedas, the four Katebs, the eighteen Puranas and the Gita, the Bhagwat (Sudha Sagar) etc., is (mandleek) regional knowledge. The spiritual knowledge given by Allah Kabir is (chakravarti) complete. It is for the human beings of all the religions. It is not limited to any particular religion. This recitation of three (naam) mantras is for all the human beings. Yagya (religious ritual) is also for everyone. (23)

Speech no. 38 :- There is (mandleek) partial knowledge in the Vedas, Gita, Puranas, Quran and the Bible. The eternal speech, Swasmved, uttered by Supreme God Kabir contains complete i.e., chakravarti knowledge. For this, read "Creation of Nature".

Speech no. 99 :- If one did not chant the naam (mantra) along with the other above-mentioned religious activities, then his human body is (soona) unclaimed i.e., God is not the companion of that soul. Without the recitation of (naam) mantra, useless noise is being made, that is, all other statements that are made are useless noises. “You did not loot the (naam) mantra of God, that is, did not worship impatiently. O Devotee! (Bhor) dawn came i.e., you died; the world was just a dream. After a dream is interrupted, one has nothing left with oneself. Likewise, if you die without doing bhakti (worship), you will repent.” (99)

Sant Garibdas ji has told the true spiritual knowledge given by Supreme God Kabir that - O Human! Reflect on Agam (on the future meaning on the life ahead), Nigam (on becoming free from sorrow) with a discreet intellect. If a man has not obtained Satyanaam from the Guru and he is given the kingdom of Uday (from where the sun rises on the earth) Ast (to where the the sun sets, where evening arrives), that is, the kingdom of the whole world, still it is like begaar.

Definition of begaar

Around the year 1970, large petrol-driven three-wheeler tempos started plying. One day a tempo operator did not come on his route. The next day, when he was asked why he did not come the day before, he said, “Yesterday, I went in Begaar.” At that time, the police stations did not have any vehicles e.g., jeeps etc. If the police had to raid somewhere, they used to get hold of a tempo (three-wheeler or four-wheeler) and bring it to the police station in the evening. Then they used to take it wherever they had to go in the night or during the day. The driver used to be tempo owner himself or someone hired by him. The tempo owner also had to pay for the petrol. The police used to use the tempo all night and day and relieve it late in the evening. Another person watching it used to think that the tempo owner must have earned a lot today because he has plied day and night, but that tempo operator told that he spent rupees 200 (present-day ten thousand rupees) on petrol and food from his side and did not get a single rupee as fare. The depreciation of the vehicle i.e., wear and tear from usage was extra expense. Begaar means that there is no income at all, but more labour. The expenditure is also high. This is called begaar.

Similarly, by the religious austerity and charity of one’s previous birth, one becomes a king. The virtues of that king are spent in the pleasures and facilities he gets on becoming a king. If that king does not do Bhakti (worship) by taking the real mantras of worship from a complete guru, he does not earn virtues. The previous virtues keep depleting day and night in the luxuries of the kingdom. A king, who does not do true bhakti (worship), is doing begaar. (100)

The king of Sri Lanka was Ravan. He had got his palaces made of gold. He was a worshipper of god Shiv (Tamgun). Along with worship, he also used to commit mistakes. He used to eat meat, and also drank alcohol. When Shri Ramchandra ji, who was god Shri Vishnu himself born in Ayodhya in the house of King Dasharath, was in exile, at that time King Ravan abducted Shri Ramchandra’s wife Sita. A war took place between Shri Ram and Ravan to release Sita from Ravan’s captivity. Ravan was killed in the war. At that time, he lived in the palaces made of gold. While departing from this world, he could not even take one (rati) gram gold with him.

The meaning is that a worshipper has to abstain from all evils, only then he gets success in worship. Those, who do not worship, who are engaged day and night in earning money, have built huge bungalows, and have got cars, at the time of death, the earnings (wealth) of worship will accompany a person; the worldly wealth will be of no use. If you have money, perform meritorious deeds with it as well as chant (naam) mantra. (105)

Sant Garibdas ji, the prophet of (Kaadar) Almighty Allah Kabir ji, has told the errors in the way of worship of both the religions (Islam and Hinduism) :-

Sant Garibdas ji’s Amar Granth, Raag Kaafi, Hymn no.1 :-

Nahin hain daaramadaara uhaan tou nahin hai daaramdaara ||tek|| us dargah mein Dharmrai hai, lekha lega saara ||1|| mullaan kookain bang sunaavain, naa bahra Kartaara ||2|| teesau roje khoon karat ho, kyoun kari hai deedaara ||3|| mool ganvaay chaley ho qaaji, bhariya ghor anghaara ||4|| bhaujal boodi gaye ho bhaee, keejaiga munh kaara ||5|| bed padhaen par bhed na jaanaen, baanchaen puraan athaara ||6|| jad koon andhra paan khavaavai, bisrey sirjanhaara ||7|| oojad khedae bahut basaaye, bakra jhota maara ||8|| ja koon tou tu mukti kahat ho, so hain kachchey baara ||9|| maans machhariya khaatey paandey, kis bidhi rahae aachaara ||10|| syoun jajmaane narkein chaaley, boodey syoon parivaara ||11|| chhaati tori haney jam kinkar, laagya jam ka laara ||12|| Das Garib kahae be Qaji, na kaheen vaar na paara ||13||1||

Meaning: - No one has (daaramdaara) special rights in the court of Dharmrai (Judge of God), that is, no one's recommendation works. All decisions are made only on the result of karma (deeds). All virtuous and sinful deeds of the whole life will be accounted for. Both Muslim and Hindu religions perform wrong worship. The Mullah climbs on the top of the mosque and loudly gives (bang / azaan) a call to prayer. He prays to God. Sant Garibdas ji has stated that (Kartaar) God can even hear what’s going on in one’s mind. If an anklet is tied on the feet of an ant, and there is a jingle in that anklet, then God (Allah) even listens to its sound. He is not deaf; in other words, do not pray with a loud voice. Pray wholeheartedly with a normal voice. In the month of Ramadan, Muslims observe a fast for thirty days. They do not even drink water throughout the day. In the evening, after killing chicken, goat, billy goat etc, they eat its meat. How can they (deedaar) see God?

O Qaji! Having destroyed the original wealth i.e., the wealth of breaths of human life and filling the bag of sins by committing grave (anghaara) sins, you are departing from this world. When you will be called to account for your deeds in the house of God, then your face will be blackened, that is, you will be thrown into hell (Jahannam). He has said to the Hindu Pandits that you read the Vedas; you have not understood their meaning properly. You read the eighteen Puranas and you have not understood them properly too. A blind Pandit i.e., who is devoid of the eyes of (Tatvgyan) true spiritual knowledge reads the Vedas and worships a stone idol. He offers bel leaves, basil leaves to the stone idol. He has forgotten the (Sirjanhaar) Creator. Nowhere in the Vedas is it written that worship an idol. You slaughter bulls and billy goats in desolate Khedas (villages that have been destroyed and become ruins are called Kheda) to pacify the spirits living there; this is a heinous sin. What you call the worship of salvation is completely useless, just as kachche baarah is of no value in the game of chaupad. Pandeys eat fish. After bathing, you show yourself as pure by applying tilak. How will God be pleased with you? You will go to hell with the (jajman) host. You will also take your family to hell. There are twelve crore Yam messengers. (Laara lagaa hai) They walk in a row like a whole army. They will break your chest, that is, they will beat you mercilessly. Sant Garibdas ji has said that O Qaji! and the Pandit! The power of God (Khuda) is limitless. Make your birth successful by doing true worship.

Raag Kaafi, Hymn no. 2 :-

Kya gaavae ghar doori divaaney kya gaavae ghar doori ||tek|| analhakk sarey koon paunhcheen, sooli chadhey Mansoor ||1|| Sheikh Fareed kooyein mein latkey ho gaye chooram choor ||2|| Sultaani taji gaye balakh koon, chhaadi solah sahansar hoor ||3|| Gopichand Bharthari jogi, sir mein daari dhoor ||4|| Dadu Das sadaa matvaarey, jhilimili jhilimili noor ||5|| jan Raidaas Kabir Kamaala, sanmukh miley hajoor ||6|| donyoun deen mukti koon chaahain, khaahi gaoo aur soor ||7|| Das Garib udhaar nahin hai, sauda poorampoor ||8||2||

Meaning: Merely singing hymns, verses, quatrains etc speeches in a melodious voice will not be of any use. Salvation will be attained by doing worship and meritorious deeds according to them. The abode of salvation is far away from the singers. Mansoor Ali had laid down his life to attain God. The call of ‘Analhak’ had reached (sarey) the court of God. Mansoor had been killed. He used to worship with true devotion and submission. He had resurrected. He was from Muslim religion. {The entire story of Mansoor Ali is written on page ____ of this book.} In Muslim religion, there was a devotee named Sheikh Farid who had hung himself in a well to attain God. He had become so weak that only his skeleton was left. The crows, considering him dead, sat on his forehead in order to take his eyes out to eat them. At that time, Sheikh Farid said, “O Crows! Eat the flesh of my body. Leave my eyes. I want to see God.” Abraham Adham Sultan was also a Muslim king. He renounced his kingdom, Balakh city, to attain God. He had forsaken sixteen thousand (padmani) beautiful young women. {The entire story of Sultan Ibrahim Ibn Adham is written on page ____ of this book.} Both Gopichand and Bharthari were kings. They too renounced their kingdoms, and taking initiation from Gorakhnath, who was from Naath tradition, used to live by applying ash on their body. Sant Dadu Das, Sant Ravidas, Devotee Kamaal etc. had met God Kabir. They had taken initiation. They saved themselves from sins. Sant Garibdas ji has said that people of both the religions desire liberation, but they commit violence against living beings. Hindus eat pork, and they consider eating cow's meat a sin. Muslims eat cow's meat and consider it haram (forbidden in Islam) to eat pork. In the true court (court of God), transactions are not made on credit, but only on cash payment. In other words, one will certainly get the result of whatever deed one has performed. It is a heinous sin to kill any living being and to eat its meat. Until one takes initiation from a Complete Saint who provides way of worship of SatPurush Kabir, one will have to bear the result of one's deeds. Sins are destroyed by the worship of SatPurush. A worshipper goes to Satlok by doing true worship.

Raag Kaafi, Hymn no. 47 :

Maindee jindadiye vo rab da panth visham hai baat ||tek|| gagan mandal mein mahal Sahib ka, andri banya jharokha | ek mulla mahjid mein kookae, ek pukaarae boka ||1|| inmein kaun sarey koon paunhchya, hamein lagya hai dhokha | donyoun adla badla khelain, nahin mukti nahin mokha ||2|| kalma roja bang nivaaja, nabi Mahmad keenhaan | kadi Mahmad ne murgi maaree, karad galae kadi deenha ||3|| murgi bakri chidi buteri, soii gaoo gal seena | jin koon bhisat kahaan be qaaji, goondae seek bhareenaa ||4|| us dargah mein chhuri na ghadiye, karad kahaan se lyaaya | gooda raata gosat taata, kesar rang banaaya ||5|| ghaali degchae bismil keenhaan, saras nivaala khaaya | jaa hansa kaa khoj bataavau, kaun sarae paunhchaaya ||6|| khand pind brahmand na hotey, naa the gaay kasaai | aadam havaa na hujra hota, kalmaa bang na bhaai ||7|| uni kaadar nahin kudarati sirjee, jab kyaa khaana khaai | Das Garib kahae be qaaji, Allah Kabir chit laai ||8||47||

Meaning: - O My life! i.e, O My soul! i.e., O Human being! The path of God is a difficult (baat) journey. The palace of the Supreme God is in Satlok in the celestial region. There is a (jharokha) grille inside it through which the Supreme God sees everything. Qaji is slitting the throat of a big billy goat with a knife. The billy goat is screaming in pain. A Mullah (a guru in Muslim religion who performs ceremonial acts and sacrificial rites) is shouting from the top of a mosque, that is, even if the person who kills a living being does worship, his prayer is meaningless, that is, just as the billy goat while dying cries "maen" "maen" out of fear and pain, which has no meaning; the killer will only have rest after killing it. Similar is the (azaan) prayer of that Qaji who eats meat; it is of no use. He will certainly get punished for his sins. Sant Garibdas ji has clarified that none of these among the billy goat, Mullah and Qaji, will go to heaven. They are playing an exchange game. Today the Qaji is killing the billy goat by slitting its neck. In some birth, the soul of the Qaji will become a billy goat, and the billy goat's soul will become a Qaji, then it will take its revenge. Prophet Muhammad had recited the Kalma (Allahu Akbar Mantra) and observed Roza (fast). He had offered Namaz (prayer) and (Bang) recited Azaan which is a loud call to prayer. He did not kill chicken, goat, cow etc. He did not commit violence against any living being. O Qaji! How can a person, who slits the throat of another being and eats its meat, go to heaven? Why did you kill a living being created by God? You have committed a grave sin. When there was no creation, there was only the Supreme God. Where were the people who perform such deeds then? What did they eat? Sant Garibdas ji has said: ‘O Qaji! Meditate on God Kabir (Allah Akbar).’

Prophet (Saint) Garibdas ji has described the power of Almighty God (Kaadar Khuda) Kabir.

Raag Kaafi, Hymn no. 24 :-

Khaan paan kachhu karda naaheen, hai mehboob achaari vo ||tek|| kaum chhatees reet sab duniyaan, sab se rahaen bichaari vo ||1|| beparvaah shaahan pati shaaham, jini yaah dhaarani dhaari vo ||2|| antolya anmolya devae, karodi laakh hajaari vo ||3|| arab kharab aur leel padam lag, sankhaun sankh bhandaari vo ||4|| jo sevae taahi koon khevae, bhaujal paari utaari vo ||5|| surti nirti gal bandhan dori, paavae birah ajaari vo ||6|| Brahma Bishnu Mahesh sareekhey, taahi uthaavae jhaari vo ||7|| Shesh sahansmukh karaen binti, hardam baarambaari vo ||8|| shabd ateet anaahad pad hai, hai purush nirdhaari vo ||9|| chhoochhim roop saroop samaana, khelae adhir adhaari vo ||10|| jaakun kahein Kabir julaaha, rachi sakal sansaari vo ||11|| Garibdas sharnaagati aaye, Sahib latak bihaari vo ||12||24||

Meaning: - God lives for years without eating or drinking in the Akah Lok. He is a beloved God. He gives immeasurable, invaluable, unfathomable wealth to the worshippers. He gives lakhs and crores (millions) of rupees. God has arab (1 arab=1 billion), kharab (1 kharab=100 billion), neel (1 neel=10 trillion), padam (1 padam=1 quadrillion), sankh (1 sankh=100 quadrillion) i.e., infinite reserves. He only conveys that person across who (sevae) worships Him. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv are His servants in front of the Almighty God Kabir. Shesh Naag repeatedly chants (naam) mantra with thousand mouths. Sant Garibdas ji has said that the one, who is called Kabir, the weaver, had created the entire universe. O Complete God! Kabir ji, (Latak Bihaari) who travels without any hindrance in all the brahmands (multiverse)! We have come to your refuge.

Raag Bilaawal, Hymn no. 21: -

Avigat Ram Kabir hain, chakvae avinaashi | Brahma Vishnu vajeer hain, Shiv karat khavaasi ||tek|| Indra koti anant hain, jaakae pratihaara | baran kumeram Dharmrai, thaadhey darbaara ||1|| tetees koti devta, rishi sahans athaasee | vaishnav koti anant hain, gun gaavaen raashi ||2|| nau jogeshvar naad bhari, sur poorae sankha | sankaadik sangeet hain, abichal gad banka ||3|| Shesh Ganesh ru Saraswati, aur Lakshmi raajaen | Saavitri Gaura rataen, gan sankh biraajain ||4|| anant koti muni saadh hain, gan gandharv gyaani | arpaen pind ru praan koon, jahaan sankhaun daani ||5|| saavant shoor anant hain, kuchh ginti naahin | jati sati aur sheelvant, leela gun gaahin ||6|| chandr soor binti karaen, taara gan gaadhey | paanch tatv haajir khadey hukmi dar thaadhey ||7|| teerth koti anant hain, aur nadi bihanga | thaara bhaar to koon ratae, jal pavan taranga ||8|| asht kuli parbat rataen, dhar ambar dhyaana | mahtaab agni to koon japaen, saahib rahmaana ||9|| ars kurs par sej hai, tan tabak tiraaji | ek palak mein karat hain, so raaj biraaji ||10|| alakh binaani Kabir koon, rang khoob chavaaya | ek paani ki boond se, sansaar banaaya ||11|| anant koti brahmand hain, kachhoo vaar na paara | lakh chauraasi khaan kaa, tu sirjanhaara ||12|| sooksham roop svaroophai, bauh rang binaani | Garibdas ke mukat mein, haajir pravaani ||13||21||

Meaning:- (Avigat) the Divine Supreme God is Kabir ji. He is (Chakvae) Chakravarti {A Chakravarti king is one who ruled over the whole earth, and he was the Maharaja (great king), the master of all the inferior kings. Kabir SatPurush rules over all the worlds. He is the Master, Maharaja i.e., Mahadev (Great Lord) of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, Jyoti Niranjan and Akshar Purush along with all the inferior deities.} God, and is eternal. He is immortal. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv also (khavaasi) serve Him. Indra and thirty-three crore deities, eighty-eight thousand sages, nine Yogeshwar, the four Sanakadik, Sheshnaag, Ganesh, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Savitri, Parvati, quadrillion (ganas) attendants, all follow His orders. God Kabir reigns over all. Kabir ji has made the human body so beautiful with a drop of water. Kabir ji Himself is the creator of the infinite brahmands (multiverse) and the eighty-four lakh types of living beings.  He is the Creator of all. Sant Garibdas ji has said that the God, who performs (leela) divine acts in various forms, is sitting on my head.

Achla Ka Ang, Speech no. 1-13: -

Garib, panja dast Kabir ka, sir par raakho hans |
jam kinkar champae nahin, udhari jaat hai bans ||1||
Garib, dardband darvesh hai, Satguru Purush Kabir |
naam liye bandhi chhooti hai, tootaen jam janjeer ||2||
Garib, Satguru Purush Kabir hain, teen lok tat saar |
koti uncha prithvi, chauda bhuvan aadhaar ||3||
Garib, Satguru Purush Kabir hain, teen lok tat saar |
doyi chaar ki kya chalae, udhrey hans apaar ||4||
Garib, Satguru Purush Kabir hain, chaaron yug prvaan |
jhoothey guruva mari gaye, ho gaye bhoot mashaan ||5||
Garib, jhoothey guru ke aasrae, kadey na udhrae jeev |
Saacha Purush Kabir hai, Aadi Param Guru Peev ||6||
Garib, Satguru Purush Kabir ka, visham panth bairaat |
Shiv Sankaadik dhaavheen, muni jan jovaen baat ||7||
Garib, Satguru Purush Kabir ki, koyi na chali hai gael |
bina panth pag dharat hai, gagan mandal mein sael ||8||
Garib, pag seti duniyaan chalae, panchhi paraun udaan |
ooncha mahal Kabir ka, jahaan nahin jimee asmaan ||9||
Garib, neem manderan mahal ke, nahin ghaat nahin baat |
ooncha takht Kabir ka, kaise keejain saant ||10||
Garib, sankh swarg par sael hai, sankh swarg par dhaam |
aisa achraj dekhiya, bina neem ka gaam ||11||
Garib, bina neem ke nagar mein, bastey Purush Kabir |
Shiv Brahmaadik thakat hain, kaun dharaen jahaan dheer ||12||
Garib, lakh lakh yojan udat hai, sur nar muni jan sant |
ooncha dhaam Kabir ka, koyi na paavae ant ||13||

Meaning :- O Worshipper! Remain worthy of the grace of Lord Kabir ji, that is, remain in the shelter of Kabir ji. (Jam Kinkar) Yam's (the god of death) messengers will not catch you. Your family will be emancipated. (1)

Satguru (Purush) God Kabir is (dardband) the remover of sorrows. By chanting the naam (mantra) given by Kabir ji, the bondage of (karmas) actions imposed by Kaal gets released. The (janjeer) iron handcuffs tied by Yamraj are broken. (2)

Satguru God Kabir is (tat saar) everything i.e., Master of the three loks/worlds (Lok of Kaal Brahm, Lok of Akshar Purush and the Lok of SatPurush which is the area of four loks. These three loks have been described here), meaning that He is the Master of the lineage. He is the basis of forty-nine crore (490 million) earths and fourteen Bhuvans (which are in one brahmand), not just two or four. Khuda (God) Kabir liberates infinite (hans) devotees. (3-4)

(Purush) God Kabir who is present in the form of a (Satguru) Tatvdarshi Saint, has physically come from Satlok in the form of a Satguru i.e., in the form of His own Prophet in all the four Yugas (Satyug, Tretayug, Dwaparyug and Kalyug). This is a fact. False (gurus) religious leaders died. Their way of worship was wrong as it was not according to the scriptures. They attained lives of ghosts. (5)

Evidence: - Supreme God Kabir had physically come from Satlok in the form of a Satguru in all the four yugas (ages) and had gone back along with His body. In Satyug, His name was Sat Sukrit. In Tretayug, His name was Munindra. In Dwaparyug, His name was Karunamay. In Kalyug, His name is Kabir.

A soul will never be emancipated in the shelter of a fake guru. The True Supreme Guru, (Peev) Lord is God Kabir. (6)

The true path of worship imparted by Satguru God Kabir is (visham) inaccessible and vast. Shri Shiv ji and Sanak, Sanandan, Sanatan and Sant Kumar (Sankaadik) and sages and seers are also walking on the (baat) path of worship. But they are following the path of Kaal under the delusion that it is the path to Satlok. Life will be in vain. (7)

No one is walking on the (gael) road i.e., path of Satguru God Kabir. Satguru Kabir treads without a (panth) path, that is, he takes a Vihangam route (to fly like a bird). He does not walk like (papeel) an ant. God Kabir’s (mahal) Satlok abode is (ooncha) on the summit, where there is no perishable land and sky. It is imperishable land. God’s palace is divine. How to make a (saant) deal to attain it? What is the method by which one attains Satlok? (8-10)

The comfort of Satlok is more than that of quadrillion heavens of the Lok of Kaal Brahm. The surprising thing is that the houses in Satlok are built without a (neev) foundation. For instance, whatever object is placed at the point where the gravitational force of the earth and the moon becomes zero, it hangs there itself. It remains stable. Similarly, in Satlok, all the walls and ceilings have been secured by the spiritual power of God. (11)

Satguru Kabir ji lives in a dome built in Satlok, the city without foundation. After repeatedly making an effort to attain that place, even Shiv, Brahma and Vishnu have got exhausted. Then what capacity does another worshipper have to perform spiritual practice to attain that Satyalok? The reason has been that their spiritual practice is not according to the Sukshmved (Tatvgyan – true spiritual knowledge). (12)

While doing the incomplete spiritual practice mentioned in the Vedas, the seers (who are considered to be contemplative), the sages, and the saints and devotees of Kaal Brahm used to fly (lakh-lakh) millions of yojan (one yojan is equal to 12 kilometers) in the sky with (siddhi) spiritual power. They did not attain Satlok because Satlok is at a height of sixteen sankh (1600 quadrillion) kos (one kos is equal to three kilometres) from the Lok of Kaal Brahm. (13)

Achla Ka Ang, Speech no. 16-36 :-

Garib, jaisain alal aakaash koon, raapti charan lagaay |
aise harijan hans koon, lai chaalat hai taahi ||16||
Garib, naam nirantar sangar saru, farkaen dhajaa nishaan |
anhad baajey baajahi, Satguru aamb divan ||17||
Garib, Satnaam ke jaap se, baajaen anhad naad |
toba Parmeshwar Kabir kee, chhootaen sabahee upaad ||18||
Garib, Dharmrai darbaar mein, dayi Kabir talaak |
bhooley chookey hans koon, pakro mat kajaak ||19||
Garib, bolae Purush Kabir saen, Dharmrai kar jori |
tumre hans na champi hoon, dohee laakh karori ||20||
Garib, madyahaari jaari naraa, bhaang tamaakhoo khaanhi |
pardaara par ghar takae, jin koon lyoun ak naahi ||21||
Garib, Dharmrai bintee karae, suniyaun Purush Kabir |
jin koon nishchay pakri hoon, jadihaun taunk janjeer ||22||
Garib, chumbak roopi shabd hai, lohey roopi jeev |
pardey maahi bheti hoon, darash paras hoye peev ||23||
Garib, chumbak hamra roop hai, lohey roopi praan |
Dharmrai teri bandh maahi saen, Hum le udaen achaan ||24||
Garib, jaa ghat naubat naam kee, jaakoon pakrae kaun |
khaali koon chhodoon nahin, reeti jin kee jaun ||25||
Garib, kar joraen bandagi karaen, chauda muni divaan |
so tau markab keejiye, bhakti bina vidhaan ||26||
Garib, karmaun seti rat the, ab hain jo sharan Kabir |
jin koon nishchay maarihaun, kaadhaun bal takseer ||27||
Garib pahle kiye vo bakhs hoon, aagey karey na koyi |
Kabir kah Dharmrai sau, naam rataen mm soyi ||28||
Garib, karm bharm brahmand ke, pal mein kari hoon nesh |
jin Hamri dohi dayi, so karau hamaari pesh ||29||
Garib, Shib mandal Brahma puri, jo Bishnu lok mein hoye |
Hamre gun bhoolae nahin, to aani chhutaaun tohi ||30||
Garib, koti bahtari urbashi, Dharmrai kee dheev |
sur nar muni jan mohiya, bisri jaat hain peev ||31||
Garib, peev kaun hansa bisriheen, hamrae tumhrae naahi |
Dharmrai kahaen Kabir se, jin koon bahoo vidyee khaanhi ||32||
Garib, Sahib Purush Kabir hain, yoni parey so jeev
lakh chauraasi bharmahee, Kaal jaal ghat seev ||33||
Garib, Sahib Purush Kabir koon, janm liya nahin koye |
shabd swaroopi roop hai, ghat ghat bolae soye ||34||
Garib, anant koti avtaar hain, maaya ke govind |
karta hoye hoye avtaraen, bahuri paraen jag fand ||35||
Garib, triloki ka raaj hai, Brahma Vishnu Mahesh |
ooncha dhaam Kabir ka, Satlok pardesh ||36||

Meaning - God flies away with his worshipper to Satyalok just as an Alal (Anal) bird lifts (raapati) an elephant and flies away. (16)

A worshipper who chants the naam (mantra) after taking initiation of Satnaam and Saarnaam from a Tatvgyani Guru (enlightened spiritual master) i.e., Satguru, the (baajey) sound of music of Satlok is heard in his body inside his head. Listening to that celestial music, a worshipper becomes so much attracted to it that he renounces all the vices like singing, dancing and foul play in hoarding wealth etc of this Kaal’s Lok. (17-18)

When in March 1727 (Vikrami Samvat 1784) on the Shukl Paksh Dwadashi (12th day of waxing moon period) of Falgun (Feb/March) month, God Kabir physically descending from Satlok in the guise of Baba Jinda had met Sant Garibdas ji in the forest of village Chhudani district Jhajjar, Haryana (India), at that time Sant Garibdas ji was ten years old. Taking Sant Garibdas’ soul out of his body, God Kabir took him up in the sky to Dharmrai’s (Judge of Kaal Brahm) office (court). To show His ability, and to make him His witness, Kabir ji in front of the child Garibdas said to the Judge of Kaal Brahm i.e., Dharmrai, “O Kajaak i.e., Devil! Do not catch my (Kabir ji's) devotee.” (19)

Dharmrai requested: -

Dharmraj with folded hands said to God Kabir, “Millions of curses on me, I will not touch your (hans) devotee.” (20)

But those (madyahaari) who consume alcohol, those (jaari naraa) men who commit adultery, who consume cannabis and tobacco, who (takae) look at (pardaara) someone else' wife with an evil eye, should I catch them or not? (21)

Dharmraj pleaded, “O Kabir (Purush) God, please listen to my entreaty! It is a rule here that those who commit the above offences, I will definitely tie them with chains.” (22)
God Kabir ji ordered i.e., stated that:

My Saarshabd (Saarnaam) is like a magnet and my (hans) devotee is like iron. I will meet my devotee in (pardey) a veiled form i.e., in secret. He will obtain a sight of his (Peev) Master God and (paras) touch His feet. He will become my soul. O Dharmrai! I will suddenly take that devotee soul of mine away from your bondage (imprisonment). (23-24)

Dharmrai said: - Who can capture the devotee who has Your initiation-mantra? I will not spare the person who is devoid of your naam (mantra). (25)

The fourteen seers who are considered to be (divaan) the main ones, if they do not do true worship as per (vidhaan) rules, then they too will be made (markab) donkeys. (26-27)

God Kabir Ji said, “I will forgive the sins that one had done before coming to my shelter. Further, that devotee will not commit sinful deeds. O Dharmrai! I will destroy the sins of the person who will chant my naam (mantra).” (28)

God Kabir ji again said that all the deeds {sanchit (deeds accumulated in the previous births), vartmaan (deeds performed in the present life) and praarabdh (destiny formed by combination of virtues and sins of previous human births)} of this Kaal Lok that a person has been made to perform by misleading him, I will destroy all those sinful deeds in a moment. Those who have cried out to me i.e., called out and said that we are the devotees of God Kabir. Do not call them to account (for their deeds). Present them in My court at the Satguru's place on Trikuti. I will bring them to account for their deeds. (29)

If a devotee of God Kabir, who due to some mistake goes to the heaven in Brahma’s Lok or in Vishnu Lok, or in Shiv Lok because of the earnings of the recitation of the first mantra, and there he recalls (Tatvgyan) true spiritual knowledge that ‘the earnings (virtues) of my worship will be exhausted here and I will not attain salvation’, even if he remembers Me there, then I will rescue him from there too. By giving him a human birth again, and granting him true worship, I will liberate him. (30)

Dharmrai’s 72 crore (dheey) daughters are Urvashi (angels of heaven) who have enchanted (sur) demi-gods, (nar) righteous men, and seers. They have ensnared them in their web. Those who forget God remain trapped in Kaal’s web. (31)

Dharmrai said, “O God! The living beings who (bisarheen) forget (Peev) God, they are neither yours nor ours. They will be tormented in many ways.” (32)

Sahib Kabir ji is (Purush) Supreme God because He is free from birth and death. One, who is born, dies and takes birth as other eighty-four lakh types of lifeforms. He is trapped in Kaal’s web. There is water of (seev) doubt in his (ghat) pitcher-like body, that is, he is a confused person. He has no knowledge of Satya Purush (True/Eternal God). (33)

God Kabir never took birth. His (shabd swaroopi) form is imperishable. He posseses the power of word. Every living being is speaking and moving by the power of God Kabir. (34)

Infinite crore incarnations have been born due to the influence of Kaal Brahm's Maya. They take birth on the earth as (karta) God. They come from above. Once again getting trapped in the cycle of deeds, they suffer by falling in the cycle of birth and death. They again become trapped in the (fand) noose of the world. For example, Shri Ramchandra was born as (Karta) God from the womb of Mother Kaushalya in the house of King Dashrath. He deceitfully killed Bali and incurred its sin. To bear the punishment of that sinful act, he was born in the form of Shri Krishna in Dwapar Yug. The soul of Bali took birth as a hunter. He took revenge by inadvertently killing Shri Krishna. In the form of Shri Ramchandra, he adhered to only one Patnivrat Dharm (he had only one wife). He saved himself from sins. He made up for it in the form of Shri Krishna. He did eight marriages meaning he copulated with eight women. Then he copulated with thousands of Gopis (female cowherds) and Gujaris (milkmaids). Sixteen thousand women were held captive by a king. Shri Krishna snatched them and brought them with him. He copulated with them all. Actually, it was Kaal who enjoyed and inflicted sins on Shri Krishna. The punishment of these sins will also be borne by the soul of Shri Krishna alias Shri Ram by suffering in the bodies of eighty-four lakh types of living beings. (35)

Shri Brahma, Shri Vishnu and Shri Shiv are the kings (Lord) of only three Loks/worlds (Earth, Heaven, Nether World). The (dhaam) place of God Kabir is far higher. It is a province called Satlok. Allah Kabir is the (Master) King of all. (36)

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